things don't get better if you get older


leave this world behind
May 3, 2008
a good place in germany
Iam really curious if anynone here is making the same experience or saying something similar but for me things always getting worse in life at the moment, maybe it's just a kind of bad times Iam going through ( I hope so) but at the moment Iam always thinking back the last few years and everything was totally different without any sorrow about the future..
I don't want to submit here all my personal problems which are a lot depending on financial aspects.
But for me the only thing about growin older is that Iam much more conscious about everything is happening and yeah I got a lot more experience but at the other hand Iam always gettin more frustrated of this world and everything sickens me..
I think I need a good therapy that would be the best for me :Smug:
Well.?.?.?... sex gets better. Comprehension gets better but at the same time you realize you never had the answers and the ones you thought you had were pretty much wrong or impossible, this is what improves the comprehension. Many of us are having career or income related problems due to the big changes made in the economic world the past 20 years. Others are not, it depends where you stood in the work force, some of us got the shit poured over our heads and were told to get "retrained"... lol as others made massive amounts of money accomplishing?...damned if I know, must be really important stuff though... {more lol} I went through some really BAD times the past 4 years and it began to get bad around 8 years ago when I lost my lifes work. However through it all I developed a better sense of humor as well as the ability to tell deserving people to go S-A-C. A term of Jack Blacks I learned to appreaciate and fully understand. I am much firmer now in my beliefs but at the same time I can finally have a good time and just let it all go. I was a very serious idealistic young man and didnt take the time to enjoy life because I felt working hard when I had my "vitality" was going to pay off. It all got screwed around and now I just deal with it and try to LIVE.

Fuck theropy and shrinks, I believe in having ones own capacity to reason out what goes on and how to deal with it.
It's hard to say matter of factly one way or the other. One's situation is the most important aspect, and it's all based on circumstance. Yet for me, I think things get better when you get older.

In general, I think people learn from their past, and if that is the case, they don't normally make the same mistakes twice. Just for some perspective, I am twenty-eight now, and even five years ago, I thought I had the world figured out. Boy was I wrong. People learn things sooner than others, and some people never learn at all.

In today's economic disaster, money is unfortunately a vital part of everyone's lives. To say that money is irrelevant is wrong. It is necessary. Do we need a ton of it? No. At least for your sake I hope you don't. I tend to find more satisfaction in things that don't cost much money: Listening/Playing music, reading a book while having coffee, hanging out with friends, walks in the city, etc. If you need to frequent expensive restaurants and drive around in a fancy vehicle, you're going to need more money.

Before we look at one's surroundings to find the blame, maybe we need to look inside and see if we are the ones that need to change.
No clear direction has been noted for peoples satisfaction with life as they age. Some like it more, some less.
I think as you get older, money becomes more and more prominent. I noticed a huge difference when I finished university, got a job, and started living in the "real world". I don't have the time I used to, I have a lot of bills now, etc, etc. I think it all has to do with how you adjust to change. The way I look at it, I just roll through anything that is going on in my life and I appreaciate every minute of it because as I get older I realize more and more that life is a gift and can end at any time. (sorry for the
yeah! money is gettin more and more important and Iam still not having a job and it's really difficult to find a "Job" in germany
and I also realize things get way more complicated like in earlier days.
I also realized that my last year in school was the best time(maybe) I ever had..
And what really sucks that I can't buy any Cd's at the moment
Iam really sucked down. :mad:

but okay 23 years isn't really old! :lol: :zombie:
Iam really curious if anynone here is making the same experience or saying something similar but for me things always getting worse in life at the moment, maybe it's just a kind of bad times Iam going through ( I hope so) but at the moment Iam always thinking back the last few years and everything was totally different without any sorrow about the future..
I don't want to submit here all my personal problems which are a lot depending on financial aspects.
But for me the only thing about growin older is that Iam much more conscious about everything is happening and yeah I got a lot more experience but at the other hand Iam always gettin more frustrated of this world and everything sickens me..
I think I need a good therapy that would be the best for me :Smug:
"ignorance is bliss because enlightenment is hell"
can't remember who i'm quoting here, but it sounds like what you're going through, your life used to be bliss, when you were a child, but now as an adult, you understand how crappy the world really is
I live in bavaria in a city called "Passau", Iam sure you know Munich it's about 280 miles from there..
have you ever been in germany?
Iam sure you'll like the beer if you've been there one time! :lol:

Yeah, I've been to Germany three times. I have friends in Berlin, Kassel, Hamburg, and Munich. Oh yeah dude, the beer there is awesome. I was at Oktoberfest in 04'. Really fun time, although I prefer going when it's not as crowded.
Man I know your situation. Its all very well saying "I know how you can solve it, go find a job." But I would suggest you try looking. Even if you get one in a crap place it doesn't have to be for long, once you get yourself some money together to be able to do something with then you can move on.

In the meantime though, you've got a good music collection already. You'll just have to put up with it for a bit longer.

For the future, life is what you make of it and what it makes of you. Things will get better. They might get worse before they get better, but they will get better. Its all down to you my good man.

There's no point in dwelling on the fact that life can be crap and the world is shit because its just the way things are. Thinking about that too much or for too long can get you down and thats not good for you. I would let the musicians in our favourite bands worry about that stuff so that they can write good songs to keep us from sinking into despair and depression.
I'm 31, and things go only better and better for a while. I have higher education, interesting and well paid job, I provide everything I that need in my life (though, I need not that much, I must admit). I'm free from any limits and independent. I have got all kinds of musical instruments I ever wanted to get. I have two bands that I like to play for. I have very few friends, but they're real ones. what else? seems, I need nothing else :) and yeah, if I drink even, this happens toooooooo rarely - this is useless wasting of time.
in short, I don't think life is a trouble in middle age if one wants to make it decent and interesting.
but if you have to work your ass off just to earn a fuckin minimum of money you can spend just for insurance, food, condoms etc. it's really fucked up man!
I always thought if you have your work and your older life is gettin easier and you
really can enjoy all the things you like and also you are independent from others can do whatever you want to do but FUCKIT!!
It's always this fuckin "money-problem" and I hate it!!
why can't life be easier and more comfortable??
you only can earn 400 euros and thats a fuckin waste, why not more?
all this concerns and fat ass managers have money like shit and always get everything theay want?!?
I hate this world we live in and I hate this fuckin corrupted system even more?
why can things not be more balanced and workers could get more money (they do a lot more work than all this business or office assholes..)
that doesn't go in my brain!
I hate the state, I hate this fuckin politicians,
sorry must be said
my hate has really grown in the last months
and all this stupid little suckers everywhere and who laugh at me got everything from their parents and get stucked in the best schools but at least they are not worth to talk about always they have better presuppositions no matter what they are doing they never have the problems I have!
I hate this bastards too. But money gets wasted for building new infrastructure, buildings etc. and we the people alwas get
used and poorer - that has nothing to do with Life-quality for me
it's a system controlled and reigned by assholes I never want to have to do anything to do and us at all!
what you speak of has gotten worse in the past 15-20 years. The useless tools have become extremely empowered and somehow entitled. Yet, the labor force has remained stagnet, even turned back in time. Here in the US the insurance companies have taken everybodys annual pay raise, often more. My drummer just got his annual, it amounted to $5.00 a week, his insurance went up $15 so he's now down to earning what he was 3 years ago. Next year will only be worse again. Its amazing whats legal and whats illegal, sometimes they seem to coincide and contradict each other.

Hang in there, its the way it is, about all you can do I figure is keep getting up in the face of the worthless tools and calling them for the crooks they are. Maybe in time it will change, you are young yet, all this crap went down on me when I was 40 and its taken me this long (10 years) to accept that I was facing a impenitrable concrete wall. Our States (New York) budget is in the dumpster, they are making cuts everywhere... however their new Oriental carpet for the capitol building just arrived last week... it cost $85,000!

well, this is all dependent on the person himself.
what did you do to change the state? have you tried to get new education? maybe new skills for better paid job? maybe you tried to quit drinking to get more time for some extra business that could bring you some more profit? these are simple questions.
sitting in a corner and moaning bout your problems won't help a shit.
I passed through three total economics faults, when all saved money turned to piece of shit. I haven't any insurances - I pay money for everything, whatever I need. I think I'm still all right. I moved out from my parents when I was 16 and settled very far from there - since I lived on my own. we have not any mortgage or other supporting programs for students or young ppl. I had to rent a living place, and I still do. when I had not enough money I worked as a coach in math, I worked as an artist, drawing portraits, we played music in the streets with my friends. I had many different extra jobs until I got my math education and became a programmer. now I make enough money for life. and there's no problem. of course there's no luxuries but I don't complain. this could be much worse.
Well, there's enough food in the world to feed everyone twice-- given that we all stick to consuming 2000 calories in the correct balanced fashion. However, the problem is distribution. Even if there was such a miracle for distribuition, a problem would be keeping population at zero growth.

If you want to talk about alienation. There's always going to be that even if you could succede in doing what you want to do with your life. You have to compromise you're thoughts and actions for one reason or another-- mostly because of the existence of others. If you want to be a hermit, then you're alienating yourself by taking yourself out of society.

Really the best thing to do is to find loop-holes. Cheat on taxes, call out sick, never pay full price on anything, rent and copy box office hits, ect.
Just don't fuck with people, or they fuck with you back.
If they fuck with you first, the ball's in your court.