
For many it's where the novelty & electricity wears off in a relationship that many people take to mean there's no love or attraction anymore.

So many people chase that buzz.. but it is never going to last.

When you're young, and you have all the time in the world to settle down at your leisure, by all means chase that buzz... but if you really want to be with someone for a long time, understand that it's hard work at times... that you may actually fall out of love sometimes (just hope that both partners don't go through this at the same time), & that the relationship will never be as energising as when you first hooked up.

I've been with my girlfriend for 12 and a half years... since the last year of highschool, & some of it has been fucking painful, but the vast majority has been rewarding & satisfying.

On a side note, she actually used to live 2 doors down from me when we were about 3 or 4, we were great buddies... she moved away, came back in her mid-teens... then a few years later we hooked up!

True story...
My best advice to you I-Tend-To-Die, is if you aren't very picky, become a male stripper, you will find many dates, and you will go through all those stages you need to go through to become a cold-hearted-picky-bastard.
stage 1 - shy
stage 2 - being open to dates
stage 3 - dating many different people
stage 4 - becoming a heartbreaker
stage 5 - all about money ( at this point you either become a prostitute or unwilling to do things for money-your choice-I'd prefer unwilling)
stage 6 - self-absorbed
stage 7 - you've realized through the many different social interactions with hundreds of people what you really want out of a person you're dating.

yeah, maybe that would not be a bad idea, cause I do alot of weight-training in my freetime and I need the money!! ;)
..but the point is that haven't got any relationship to a girl
till now. But your right ghettobitch I think there are many things inside me that don't come out to daylight
thats becase I often be too shy to show my whole personality :cool:
at the other side Iam not the person who wants to be cool or anythng like that I often just want to be left alone and live in my own world thats maybe one of the main reasons why I haven't got any date till now..
lol i dont know where you get this from but i never change my mind about partners every few months or week..only had 2 exs they didnt last past 2 months ( I was young and still confused about life they broke it off not me) and im currently in a serious relationship in which i'll never change my mind or really want it to be honest i think after 21-22 you are old enough to be mature and know what/who you want anyone under 20 is pretty much just after some fun.
This forum is not intended for a simple run down of personal issues - if there is some interesting / reasoned thought to go alongside it then by all means carry on. If not, leave it for elsewhere please. Not directed at a specific individual.
I had no relationships as a teenager. I just liked to listen to Yngwie Malmsteen, study, lift weights, and drive my motorcycle. I didnt feel women had anything to offer me and I didnt trust them. I trust them even less now, however I met one that I felt was intelligent, trustworthy and attractive, and she now is my wife. Im very happy I didnt have to go through that dating crap.
I had no relationships as a teenager. I just liked to listen to Yngwie Malmsteen, study, lift weights, and drive my motorcycle. I didnt feel women had anything to offer me and I didnt trust them. I trust them even less now, however I met one that I felt was intelligent, trustworthy and attractive, and she now is my wife. Im very happy I didnt have to go through that dating crap.

Very happy to read this. I only hope that you don't look back years later in constant wonder about the things you never experienced before tying the knot.

No doubt that this woman could be your soul mate and you'll never get to the point I mentioned. Yet, I bring it up because it happens a lot. People commit too early without, "experiencing" different partners, and they end up feeling cheated out of exploring the opposite sex.

I hope it all works out though.
There is a down side to too many choices. Too many experiences can stack up on the other side of the scale or a person can become dulled enough to not really feel.
well I don't know(:erk:) but for me it seems so that relationships (to girls) are much shorter and change (every week, or month) very fast if you are between 15 and 25 years old.
I think you find the real partner for your life when you are older and more experienced..
Iam just curious if relatioships you have as a teenager are relevant for any later relationships in life?
or do you think if you have never had a girlfriend in your youth
you probably do very hard to find some even if you are 35 or older??

It's a stupid thread I know but I always think about that at the time..

i think another...its not important how old are you.
Take care for ur health...hehehehe.

yes,when you are older than 30 is not easy to find somebody for life...but you can get it early...i have got it and i am happy=):rock:
I only hope that you don't look back years later in constant wonder about the things you never experienced before tying the knot. People commit too early without, "experiencing" different partners, and they end up feeling cheated out of exploring the opposite sex.

this is the reason that married men go to hookers
they love their wives, but they want to explore something different, the wife could be really tall and he cheats on her with a midget, or she's got huge tits and he fucks some one with pointed, "perky" boobs, or she's got wide hips and he cheats on her with some one that's got narrower hips, or the wife is hourglass shaped and the mistress is sphere shaped, sometimes it has nothing to do with body shapes, a lot of the time it's just a matter of getting married to someone that you "love" and exploring kinky fetishes with someone else, "variety is the spice of life" and for the male gender, this could read "variety is the spice of your sex life"
i give up with relationships my last serious guy lasted about 7 months and was overly possesive, wouldnt let me see my mates only his, wouldnt let me have at least 1 day of the week to do my own things without him etc. i gave him so many chances but he wouldnt change.

i met someone else about 3 months later i was with him for about a month. before i went to wacken he was all over me saying what am i going to do for a week, im going to miss you. the minute i got back from wacken he wouldnt answer my calls/texts, didnt want to see me etc. i asked him about it and he just told me he was busy. and that work, kickboxing training and his mates are more important :/ so i told him if thats your attitude go find someone else.
i give up with relationships my last serious guy lasted about 7 months and was overly possesive, wouldnt let me see my mates only his, wouldnt let me have at least 1 day of the week to do my own things without him etc. i gave him so many chances but he wouldnt change.

i met someone else about 3 months later i was with him for about a month. before i went to wacken he was all over me saying what am i going to do for a week, im going to miss you. the minute i got back from wacken he wouldnt answer my calls/texts, didnt want to see me etc. i asked him about it and he just told me he was busy. and that work, kickboxing training and his mates are more important :/ so i told him if thats your attitude go find someone else.
if you're giving up on "relationships" does that mean you'll be comfortable doing one-night-stands? or are deciding to be celibate?
i dont do one nighters. sex aint that important to me :/ so unless i do truely find the love of my life and we stay together ill be happy deciding to be celibate :p

for me "relationships" don't work, i try to be in "sexual relationships" but there's just too much psycho-drama mind-games, and i can't do it anymore
i'm a male and i'm still in my 20s so i'm still in the "stage" where i'm thinking about sex 24/7 and i've just decided (about a week ago) that i'm going to have an endless series of one-night-stands because having a "sexual relationship" is just too dificult for me right now
im 21 at the end of august. i just have been fucked about so much and i dont think my heart can take it anymore :/

same here
the relationships don't ever work, and it's just so frustrating that i just gave up, i'm wanting sex 24/7 but the "relationship" thing is not worth it
i'm just gonna have one-night-stands for a while and see how that goes