Guitaring and fucked up relationships

Mumblefood said:
wow old thread... (and i was mentioned AS TEH SUPARE SHREADDERE!! HOORAY)

Anyway, i was once engaged, and then told i couldn't talk to her because she had issues to sort out that, "don't worry, they have nothing to do with you". So that went on for 3 months and her brother told me she was fucking an old crush. Anyway, i suppose the engagement is off because she never spoke to me again and it's been a few years now.

Stab something terrible, maybe kill her daughter once she gets one :grin:
NeverIsForever said:
Amusing thread, even if it is way old.

Why do guys always blame fucked-up relationships on girls, when you're the ones who make absolutely no sense? :Spin:

Because this forum is mainly comprised of guys, and each party likes to blame the other. So if it were mainly populated by girls, you'd see alot more guys getting blamed.