I didn't even know that there is a 3CD set for Weiland
To speak of the record itself, i've listened to it and found it very pleasing,but i did not buy it because i've got Tenhi's "Kauan" and Ulver's "Kveldssanger" and that's enough of that style for me
What i like about "Weiland" is,that it is seperated into several parts,can't remember all of them but "Waldpoesie" i think is one.
I've got "Songs of moors and misty fields" and i like that one very much.
But however i think i still have to get "Where at night the wood grouse plays", ah,and maybe i'll buy the other too,dunno.
Sometimes i'm very irresolute when it comes to music
No, it's the same. The only difference is that every part has it's own cd. There are no bonustracks or something like that. Some people seem to like the special packaging, I can't stand it because the cds get scratched after a while.