En Vind Av Sorg, you faggot, get in here.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Hey so yeah, I'm listening to that Dozer / Unida split right now and their last song is DESTROYING MY SOUL, and then I remembered "oh yeah, that dude totally nut over that one Dozer album, I should get it" but the problem is I don't remember what album it was. Pray tell, and I'll be merrily merrying my merry way over to stonerrock.com for a long overdue binge.

Oh yeah to anyone else hey guess what, I'm moving to Northern California by year end. Transfer request to work was placed at 12:45pm and accepted at 12:46pm. So I still have to sell out but it's okay, I'll be able to breath clean fucking air for a change. Also, I'm totally gonna rape neal. :)
I think I remember recommending the first one and the newest CD. I gotta say the first one- "In the Tail of a Comet" is my favourite though. Still never hear about these guys much, always thought they were really awesome. I still need to BUY half there damn CD's, especially the split with Unida.
Hey asshole! Are you married yet? You didnt mention the bint going with you to Northern Cal which you would have done if she was still your special lady friend
Not yet. That day is like, coming up soon though, or something. I haven't proposed yet, but I'm working on getting a ring. I offered a $40 one from Amazon but she said no. Sucks.