Enchant on Yes Tribute


Brazillian Fan
Sep 15, 2002
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

I was listening to my YES Tribute CD and the amazing version of Changes by Enchant.

So I would like to know if there´s a special Yes Cd in their opinion.

By the way, Ed is on the Song?

To the world:
If you never listened this song, you must do, because all are so nice and powerfull...
Hey Guys

Sevlar we were happy to do Changes because that is a favorite!

I can tell you that I have always loved Yes but not all Yes!

The Trevor Rabin era was in my opinion head and shoulders above all! I saw them three nights in a row for 90125! Maybe my all time favorite disc! or very close! The production is perfecto!

It is desert island for sure! I love his voice! I saw them at the Greek Theater in Berk Ca it was an amazing show! I will never forget that one!

I know Doug is a big Trevor fan as well! That period had a huge impact on most of us! I really love Drama before that even as well! !~ and of course Squire is a big bass influence! I love his Fish out of Water solo release! He and Geddy were instumental in me buying my first Rickenbacker! I remember hearing it in Roundabout the first time and being floored by that gritty growling tone!

Yes Shawn has it correct! That is the line-up I did play on it! It was fun

Hey Doug was the bad ass on that one! The guitar smokes!!!! He nailed it!

I love the Enchant version of Changes..although I am very much into the 70's Yes most. Relayer, Close to the Edge, Fragile..but some of the Trevor stuff is cool as well. The tribute album is a wonderful release. And I must say when I heard Enchant's version I got more into Enchant actually hearing that.
I think we will have to get on them!

Actually we are all really busy and there will be more news soon! good news!

I will see them tommorrow at rehearsal and Sean and I will rough them up a bit :) maybe smack around a little :)

I am sure they are checking always.
Ohhh, good news???
I cant wait more!
Just tell me that the news are that you will be playing in Brazil as soon as possible!

Soon as possible = next month!!

The Urbane " Wide Awake" is a good album? I really like Arena Cds and Mitchell is a very good guitarrist!