Enchants most progressive song?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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By progressive I mean intricate and musically challenging.
My vote for most progressive cd would be Blueprint Of The World.
My vote for most progressive song would be East of Eden.
Any other votes/thoughts?

ps Please don't mention Prognosis. That's kind of a sore spot with me. Being a true Enchant fan, I bought Blink of an Eye the day it came out at my local Borders. I found out a week or two later that there was a LTD ED with the Prognosis bonus track. Well I can't afford to buy the cd twice, so this loyal fan got screwed. Anyways, I'm still a Enchant fanatic and I don't hold this against the band.
My thoughts? Hmmm... I'd probably say Oasis is the most prog. Blueprint would be the prog album. I don't really think "prog," though when I listen to Enchant. :) I've never pinholed them into any genre. eheheh.

BTW, ProgMetalFan, I thought I'd capture for you a most metal moment in anyone's online posting history. :D

My Vote

Meddle Man from Time Lost!!!!!

It is insane! I remember seeing these guys play it long before I joined with Brian just laughing thinking it was impossible!

East of Edn is too but fun to play a real hi energy song!

But what is the hell is prog anyways? I have no ide and never will :)

Good post though