What makes Enchant music stand out for you?

I like so many bands, but somehow I play Enchant's music most of the time.

I think Enchant is the perfect link between progressive music and contemporary popmusic. I don't like most poptunes because they're too simple. I sometimes think progressive music is too tiring too listen to.

With Enchant I find a great combination of good melodies, great lyrics, excellent progressive elements and a very pleasant voice.

Most music is song based. The songs have a great stucture that keeps them interesting. The sound is heavy and yet very pleasant and transparant.

I don't get tired of listening to them. That says it all basically.

(and to think that it all started with 84.000 Dharma Doors. which is also an album that always gets me in a good mood)
You said it! For me its the great balance between amazing songwriting and amazing technical skills, it doesnt get too wanky or too poppy, its just perfect ... but the thing that makes this band so special is Ted's voice, i'm very picky with singers and i rarely find one i really like but Ted is just perfect, and extremely emotional ... for some time i hadnt gotten any shivers down my spine while listening to music, when i heard Under Fire i was blow away, pure emotion discharge ... its stuff like this that makes me still have faith in music in the future.
I agree with you 100%. Enchant is very easy to get into, but at the same time it stays interesting after countless listenings.
And Enchant is ultra-melodic... I like that.
Enchant captures everything a solid band that play progressive rock should,Kansas has been a long time fav of mine.Im a big Steve Walsh fan myself(and btw Steve is a very humble down to earth guy,Iv'e had the pleasure to share some conversing with him...TED.and yes ....he would be proud of you my son)Anyhow not since KANSAS has reached out and kicked me in the balls has a band been able to capture the same solid songwriting and straight up honest playing that just kills the listener on every song. It's as simple as this ,Enchant Rock! They shall have there time in the sun! SOON!!!!!!!
I can't really say anything that hasn't been said, but I'll say it all again.

I find Enchant to be a perfect blend between music that's progressive enough to be interesting to listen to while still being simple enough to "get" without having to listen to it 70 times or listen to technically amazing but creatively bland instrument solos.

Not that either categories are bad...I like a fair amount of standard pop, and I like a fair amount of the heavier duty prog...but generally speaking my favorite music finds a nice spot in the middle.
What stands out for me about Enchant is their songwriting ability, their melodic sense, their disciplined playing and the fact they always use their instrumental skills to further the song, and that their music usually creates a strong emotional response.
Amazing songwriting that is rooted in the realities we all face, thus allowing me to find so much of their music relative....creating and capturing elements of prog, rock, metal, and, yes, pop too in a swirling blend like that found in a lava lite....incredible musicians that put their hearts and souls into the music and their performances....varied, interesting, complex without being too complex song structures....the emotions they both share and evoke....an awesome voice to deliver the well-crafted words....and knowing that they do it for the love of it, not the dollar.

"For these and many other reasons" I love this band! :)