What are the most powerful Enchant lyrics?

Just thought I'd let you know that what you quoted was from the song "In The Dark" not "My Enemy". :blush:

Maybe you know that, but the way your message reads it looks like you were trying to quote "My Enemy".

I'm a sap for love songs myself, I'm afraid...


mpjunior36 said:
I've always liked these lyrics from My Enemy.

"Lives are running novels
At times you read; at times your write
The choice of what to do might keep you awake at night"

I also LOVE all the lyrics from Ultimate Gift...but I'm just a sap for love songs:rock:
With the obvious choices [What to Say, Comatose] aside, I think that Paint the Picture, Rough Draft, and Broken Wave are all wonderfully written. There are so many good songs that it is hard to single one out. Every Enchant song speaks to me on some level.
I think the most powerful lyrics are whatever I'm listening to at the time. :Spin:

But the ones that really stand out for me are from Black Eyes & Broken Glass. I've never been exposed to that kind of situation (the subject of the song) but it just hits a chord with me every time. And Ted's singing is friggin' awesome! I just love that song and the way it was done.

Know That is really powerful, but I really have a hard time listening to it because of the subject. I have to prepare myself. It is a very powerful song.

Also I think Beautiful is the sleeper of Tug Of War. I just love that song. I've wore my voice out several times trying to keep up with Ted on that. Beautiful is.. well.. beautiful.

Don't stop the good stuff guys.
I forgot a few other songs I really love for the lyrics...

My Enemy, which has been mentioned many a times, and Defenseless. Juggling Knives is also a favorite, as I can relate to it a little too well. *erm*
Ultimate Gift is simply amazing, Its lyrics describes exactly my feelings right now, my girlfriend also loves the song!
I like Comatose, What To Say, Acquaintance ( :err: ) ...
hehehe let's stop here :p
Most powerful Enchant lyrics? Comatose, My Enemy, Pure and What to Say come to mind. Also, Blind Sided. The subject matter in Blind Sided is extremely powerful.

One of the things I like most about Enchant are their lyrics and the fact that they evoke such a vast array of emotions. Clearly they are writing from the heart. Doug's solos are extremely emotional and powerful as well.

This Snowman lives, at least until this Saturday night at around 8:00pm when I will think I died and went to heaven. :loco:
Douglas A. Ott said:
Yeah, Thanks everyone! .. I am always amazed when someone relates to something I've written. I tend to think that I am the only one who feels or sees things the way I do sometimes. ... It makes me feel great when someone can truely relate to the emotion and it does something for them...

So thanks for listening. It makes it worth while.

Short story long...

The prog metal/classic metal band (that so kindly recently allowed me to join as their vocalist -- Critical Path, www.criticalpathband.org) is strongly considering adding 1 or 3 Enchant tunes to our repertoire (my untested abilities to cover Ted Leonard's rather broad damn frequency range & smooth delivery notwithstanding) and so I've printed lyric sheets accordingly. I was reviewing "Under Fire" and I'm thinkin', "Shit! Doug cannot be a frickin' veteran, right?" and yet you nail the torture of enduring the horrors of war so perfectly. Did you interview 15 Vietnam vets to come up with that or what?

Contrary to what many have posted in this thread, the thing that impresses me to no end is that your lyrics make me feel, quite vividly, things that I *HAVEN'T* experienced, and I have to think I'm not living life at all. To me, that speaks volumes about your prowess.

Anyway, let me add my voice to the chorus singing praise of the frequently unbearable poignancy of Enchant's lyrics.

My other personal faves (so far): "Acquaintance," "the Thirst," "Ultimate Gift," "Under Fire" (countless others escaping me just now)
MRNot said:
Short story long...

The prog metal/classic metal band (that so kindly recently allowed me to join as their vocalist -- Critical Path, www.criticalpathband.org) is strongly considering adding 1 or 3 Enchant tunes to our repertoire (my untested abilities to cover Ted Leonard's rather broad damn frequency range & smooth delivery notwithstanding) and so I've printed lyric sheets accordingly. I was reviewing "Under Fire" and I'm thinkin', "Shit! Doug cannot be a frickin' veteran, right?" and yet you nail the torture of enduring the horrors of war so perfectly. Did you interview 15 Vietnam vets to come up with that or what?

Contrary to what many have posted in this thread, the thing that impresses me to no end is that your lyrics make me feel, quite vividly, things that I *HAVEN'T* experienced, and I have to think I'm not living life at all. To me, that speaks volumes about your prowess.

Anyway, let me add my voice to the chorus singing praise of the frequently unbearable poignancy of Enchant's lyrics.

My other personal faves (so far): "Acquaintance," "the Thirst," "Ultimate Gift," "Under Fire" (countless others escaping me just now)
Very well said MRNot.

I would like to add that, for me, it also makes me think/feel differently about those situations that I have been in. It is very good stimulus.
I'm a bit late on this thread, but better late than never, right. I think different situations make different songs have special meaning. For example, I recently was betrayed by a longtime friend whom I may now never see again. I was listening to "At Death's Door" and was almost moved to tears, because I felt like a friend had died. Here's another one I love (excuse me if I'm not exactly right, I don't have the CD handy)... :loco:

The more time unravels
The older we are, but the less we seem to know
Our resolve is rattled
You would think we'd know better by now

I think another amazing fact is that the lyrics mentioned on this thread don't come from just one person (as in Peart or Matheos) but from Doug, Ted and Paul. They all have the gift, and I am a very grateful recipient... :worship:
billhuffiv said:
I'm a bit late on this thread, but better late than never, right. I think different situations make different songs have special meaning. For example, I recently was betrayed by a longtime friend whom I may now never see again. I was listening to "At Death's Door" and was almost moved to tears, because I felt like a friend had died. Here's another one I love (excuse me if I'm not exactly right, I don't have the CD handy)... :loco:

The more time unravels
The older we are, but the less we seem to know
Our resolve is rattled
You would think we'd know better by now

I think another amazing fact is that the lyrics mentioned on this thread don't come from just one person (as in Peart or Matheos) but from Doug, Ted and Paul. They all have the gift, and I am a very grateful recipient... :worship:
Oh HELL YEA billyhuffy, that's one of my favorite passages I like to quote to people in various converstaions about the world in general.

It's from Follow The Sun.
well shit, I've avoided this thread because i still just cant place one or two songs......But........"the one's who let their hearts rule their minds....will burn their bridges when they've crossed and leave the world behind".......well that's just pretty much life right there - from 'Enchanted'
Doug tells us this song's theme deals with myth. Intersesting as it feels like reality to me......................"An empty heart is so easy...to seduce and hypnotize"..............."Is this my destiny? a lock without a key.".........

This song is full of questions....as is life.

So Doug, "TEMPERED STEEL".........TEMPERED STEEL!! there nothing more i can say to that :grin:

Well the song after that ('Open Eyes') is equally enchanting, as is the one before it and well just the rest of the album is simply captivating to say the least.

Some of my lyrical favorites-----------(The Calling ;) )
Pure (naturally)
Below Zero
INTERACT (i'll say it twice)
Colors fade
My Gavel Hand
Under Fire
See No Evil

Jeez i could just go on......there's just so much substance in all of the writing.
"Whether their kind will ever give
whether in life they'll ever live"
jjmannford said:
I agree with all of you with the lyrics of the emotional songs (What to Say, Comatose,...). Other songs like Monday are great b/c they sum up the general human experience that everyone can related to. But one of my favorite songs lyrically is Long Way Down. It just captures the realistic Tug of War we have with staying monogamous. I just get this vision of a married guy going to a bar with his buddies on guys nite out, and he sees this young hottie. The devil pops up above one shoulder, and tells him to go for it, but the angel above the other shoulder, reminds him of his commitment and the grass being always greener on the other side. Excellent!! And an awesome underatted pop tune.

And finally someone writes a great song about those spoiled brat outspoken rich kids who crucify you if do not agree with their liberal opinions. MBA in THC --- pure genius. :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:


Great post man! i agree with you completely------especially about the pure geniousity.......lol............that was from a couple of months ago i see so i guess this threads been going on for some time,,,,,and i think it will continue to due to the phenomenal writing by these fellas. Nothing less than enchanting.

also i forgot to mention 'Aquantance' in my last post but i guess it goes w/o saying.....still.....I couldnt leave it out

and Doug...... i was floored when you broke into it (aquantance) at the imusicast show....i didnt think you were going to play it....just great stuff...I know the song brings about much emotions from you and i'm sure it did as well for most folk watching it too. my applause........oh and did i mention 'Foundations'..................."like a rivers endless flow...to wear away the stone and carve his life like a knife , the scars he'll never show".----thats just right on----i couldnt have said it better myself....and wish i could have........very powerful song.

and shit, lets not forget 'Fade to Grey'>>>>a masterpiece

