Chile awaits for you Enchant


New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2005
Is there any chance of enchant coming to Chile??? well this post may not be read by enchant members but i really wish it was. Words can't describe how badly I wish enchant comes to chile, maybe it is not a REALLY REALLY known band here but it has lots of followers that wish you guys coming here as badly as i do...well I just want to achieve with this post to put Chile on enchant's map and mayb they think of coming, I know that sometimes it is impossible but i think it's worth the try...

greetings from chile, bye !
Hey we try and read all the posts Enchant Chile Fan.

Thank you for stopping by.

South America in general including Chile would be incredible for us. Maybe if the next release sells a whole lot of copies down there? Actually we have talked about South America, mainly Brazil and also Mexico. We would would love it to get thre if it was possible. I see where other bands in this genre travel that way but they are a little bigger and sell a lot more records. Thats the bottom line. It is expensive to travel now days.

Thank you again for the post and welcome! :rock:

Enchant_Fan_Chile said:
Is there any chance of enchant coming to Chile??? well this post may not be read by enchant members but i really wish it was. Words can't describe how badly I wish enchant comes to chile, maybe it is not a REALLY REALLY known band here but it has lots of followers that wish you guys coming here as badly as i do...well I just want to achieve with this post to put Chile on enchant's map and mayb they think of coming, I know that sometimes it is impossible but i think it's worth the try...

greetings from chile, bye !

woa, thanx for answering!!!

ye i know, and totally understand what you are saying...if only people here in chile had better taste in music :(:(...I WILL SEE YOU GUYS LIVE im sure i'll do, mayb ill have to travel a lot but i will :P :p :p :p :p

tnx for answering again!! ENCHANT > ALL :rock:
Hi! Here's another South American, writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'd love to see you guys live, you rock!!! :worship: But I'm can imagine how expensive it could be for you to come down here.

Nevertheless I must tell you that when I got the "Live at Last" DVD, the owner of the store told me they sold more than a few of it... So, I gues there are a couple of other guys here that like your stuff :)

Anyway, just dropping a few lines to say hi. Cheers!!!
Thank you very much Federico, and welcome to our forum man.

It seems like South America and Mexico are becoming bigger markets now. That rocks!

Yes we need to get down there! Although you are correct its big bucks to travel anywhere these days.
Hey Ed. I have faith that the band will play in South America very soon. The dollar is very stable here in Brasil this year that possibility the tour of several artists like: Pearl Jam, Megadeth, Sebastian Bach, Pain of Salvation, Evergrey, Kamelot, Epica, Jeff Scott Soto, Judas Priest & Whitesnake, also the festival Live&Louder with Scorpions, Nightwish, Rage and Destruction. A lot of festivals have been scheduled to 2006 and 2007 and I’m very confident that we’ll see Enchant in South America in the next few years.

A big hug
Chile?!? I can't get these guys to come to Indianapolis! I have the full catalog of CDs, including the Live at Last CD and DVD, so I can at least say I am doing my part...
We have people all over states and the world ScoJo.

If we could just hit the lottery and fly everyone from everywhere here for a week and rock out!

One can dream right.

ScoJo said:
Chile?!? I can't get these guys to come to Indianapolis! I have the full catalog of CDs, including the Live at Last CD and DVD, so I can at least say I am doing my part...
Hey Ed, if it helps when you come to Indy you guys can crash at my place!

I can say if you visit Mexico you will receive a response you will never forget!

I am an Enchant fan since Blueprint and always has this contact with the band!

Ed, maybe remember this mecian fan!

We will wait :hotjump:


Did you mentioned Brazil?? :))

Will My dream come true? :))

Now, cool man, maybe the next tour you can come here! It would be nice man! Very nice.

God bless you all!
See ya!