End of the World

Dazed and Brutal

Yall About to Witness
May 16, 2006
Winterless New Jersey
Yea well I was watching the History Channel yesterday day night, and it was on Nostradamus and various other future tellers. Well most of them said the end of the world is to come around 2012. I actually could see this happening due to a reverse in the Earth's axis, or severe temperature.

So does anyone given any thought to the end of the world (seems like a waste of but...) and if so what do you think will be the ultimate demise of all of us.
the end of the world will happen sooner than you think my friends... for i have eaten taco bell, and the pot is stirring
Nostradamus didn't say anything intelligible. Trying to get out something concrete from his prophecies is about as rewarding as searching messages in music played backwards. When he was around, many people thought it would be a good idea to listen to what he had to say, and guess what happened to them. They died.
you know if 2012 comes and the ned of the world doenst , somebody is gonna look pretty fuckin stupid, then someone is gonna have to make a new prohpecy. but if it does, im goin with nukes, i think the middle east about to take a global shit and far and the death and killing goes and were makin it worse. i guess if the end of the world comes we could probably go , "eh...we kinda had it comin..."
The Mayans predicted that time would cease to exist on December 23, 2007 or 2012. I forget what year they said.
Ptah Khnemu said:
The Mayans predicted that time would cease to exist on December 23, 2007 or 2012. I forget what year they said.
I think that the Mayan calendar ends at 2012 and I also think that there are some references to that date by the Christian church too.
And also scientists who claim of a phenomenon happening involving the earth’s axes and it’s distance from the sun or something.

So go do it. You have 5 years left. Go buy a 60 gig iPod, a shitload of cds, and go out doing what you will.
I really hope that I'll have the pleasure of living to see the extinction of humanity. That way I know I won't be missing anything interesting after my passing.
you know its only gonna be 2012 on the western calender, and i hear we're off by like 5 years anyways. by the way , can someone further explain the axis - phenomenon thing ?