End of the World?


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
SCIENTISTS are trying to stop the most powerful experiment ever – saying the black holes it will create could destroy the world.
Dubbed by some the Doomsday test, it will be carried out next week in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located 300ft underground near the French-Swiss border.

The machine is 17 miles long and cost £4.4billion to create.

When its switch is pulled on September 10, this atom-smasher will become a virtual time machine, revealing what happened when the universe came into existence 14 billion years ago.

New particles of matter are expected to be discovered, new dimensions found beyond the four known, as scientists re-create conditions in the first BILLIONTHS of a second after the Big Bang.

I've read about this, pretty scary what they're messing with here...

I've been tracking this project for over a year now and I really don't like the possibilities that could be produced..

Just incase.. It was nice to know you all and the pleasure has truely been mine.
Ive read about this couple of weeks ago. really bit scary what can go wrong with this... but actually the Human will destroy this planet anyway... no matter if its in the next years or next hundret years
Well, if it was posted in The Sun, it is probably not as bad as they claim. :rolleyes:

I take my doomsday predictions with a pinch of salt and look both ways before crossing the street to recycle my bottles. Not much more you cand do yourself.
1) "Mad scientists" + experiments +"black hole" = Good stuff for coming up with a doomsday theory (black holes? OMG they like.. destroy things right?)
2) People like to read about doomsday theories (for some reason)
3) Newspapers like to make money

I don't find it surprising at all.
First off The Sun is not meant to be taken seriously. It's one of the newspapers I read when I am bored waiting in line. The others are the same thing, but are so ridiculous. Batboy meets Hilter while humping Jesus's leg kind of shit.

This article is perfect example of people not understand what they are reading so they think it can only be scary. What is really scary is these people are allowed to live after school testing that proves their IQ is less than the number of parents they have. Or they are a religious fanatic and needs to disprove science or turn it into propaganda to make themselves feel better that "God" is allowing this to happen or we are "playing God". Also because they are pissed off science is disproving "God". Rational thinking should be the cause of that, but if science wants the project.....
It's the same kind of deal with "Global Warming". At first this was just propaganda, but sense people are so excited about "Revelations" they are now saying it's real and our world is going to end and the epic battle between good and evil is about to begin. Science has proven "Global Warming" is happening but the end result will just be the earth going into our next "Ice Age" faster than usual.

I would in all honesty not worry about this bro. Any science and knowledge we gain from these experiments can only help to better improve humanity. By doing these experiments, we could possibly learn to make "worm holes" and if they are possible, and we could use them for space travel as Hawking's theory purposes, then it would possible to visit other planets with intelligent life. There's my hopeful "Trekkie" moment :p
I have seen a documentary on this on TV a few days ago. My reaction was like... Oh the earth will explode... not again... and went on knitting.
Now seriously, how many times did someone state we are all gonna die and every time people really believed it. Milennium Crash. Global warming. Artificial black holes. Aliens. Armageddon.
On the other hand, if we'd explode our planet, who would care? :D
that I could imagine people threatening each other with something like this even though it would make everything go poof. you know?

I know. just wanted to see if i could ignite one of those confused "who-did-who-in-the-what" exchanges..:D

Anyhoo... this is the first i've heard of this experiment. I just did some Google research on it and it looks like it could indeed yield some results that might blow our little minds. Exciting stuff!

But a word to the wise: i wouldn't throw the calendar out of the window, go maxin' out the credit cards, and start having unprotected group sex with strangers just yet. ;)
I would in all honesty not worry about this bro. Any science and knowledge we gain from these experiments can only help to better improve humanity. By doing these experiments, we could possibly learn to make "worm holes" and if they are possible, and we could use them for space travel as Hawking's theory purposes, then it would possible to visit other planets with intelligent life. There's my hopeful "Trekkie" moment :p

oh hun, i dont really care about, heck i dont actually give a fuck about it

i dont believe in it, i just thought its somthin worth to discusses

ANYHOW if its true, id kill the swiss if they ended the world before OCT 15. :erk:

(thats amon amarth concert date, for people who didnt get it)

anyway emeticgore seems like he believes it :p