End Of The World?


Remove The Limbs
Jul 4, 2007
Canada B.C
I'm sure you've all seen this on the news already or have been tracking ATLAS for aslong as I have.

"SCIENTISTS are trying to stop the most powerful experiment ever – saying the black holes it will create could destroy the world.
Dubbed by some the Doomsday test, it will be carried out next week in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located 300ft underground near the French-Swiss border.

The machine is 17 miles long and cost £4.4billion to create.

When its switch is pulled on September 10, this atom-smasher will become a virtual time machine, revealing what happened when the universe came into existence 14 billion years ago.

New particles of matter are expected to be discovered, new dimensions found beyond the four known, as scientists re-create conditions in the first BILLIONTHS of a second after the Big Bang."


Although interesting, I'd seriously re-consider destroying the planet for just a couple answers. The possibilities are a bit scary I think.
Yeah, I'm not the LEAST bit nervous.

George, your music is really cool. It's sort of funny that you'd name your band after a war hammer character though. :p Be'lakor Take a look at my art if you need any album art or whatever.
Have you guys read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown? It'd be awesome if they made anti-matter with this thing...
Well, even if it did create a black hole, it wouldnt cause anything as it breaks up immediately. Would need heck of a larger scale to create some doomsday machine.
Of course there's a risk - and the black hole really would destroy the world or something if the worst that could happen would happen.. but there's still no fucking reason to worry - I mean, as said upon me the chances that the black hole will destroy the Earth is as the chance of green awesome big eyes aliens landing tomorrow on George Bush's head, and even if it would happen - we're just gonna die, and it's just like moving - you just go to another place, with less good peeps... (Hell.)
So actually what I'm trying to say is that the worst that could happen is not so bad, and probably won't happen :erk:

Oh, well...
This whole experiment is the best thing that could happen to humanity. Either we get new insights on highly complicated physical stuff (with future generations embracing our experimental curiosity) or we instantly blast this planet (which is doomed anyway [and I'm not even mentioning our oh so "civilized" way of life]) straight to hell with nobody left to whine and moan about it.

A win-win situation in my book :>
Its just stupid, risking our planet over something only a few scientists give a shit about. Who gives them the right to risk destroying us all? There are some things man should not meddle with.

There really aint nothing to worry about, people tend to overreact on things like this. Scientist says there is no risk EVEN if the black hole thing happens.

Thanks Scavneck, took quite awhile as i suck with photoshop :loco:
Yep, today. Although only 5% of the possible proton mass was used (if I read my source correctly), warm-up so to speak.

Bah, ze Schwanz was faster :>