Enforsaken Sinners Intuition
Crash Music, Inc. CMU61167 March 7th, 2006
By Jason Jordan
When it comes to melodic death metal, Europe holds the subgenre in the palm of its hand. But Chicago-rooted quintet Enforsaken citing the sturdiness of The Forever Endeavor and Sinners Intuition are rising within the ranks, becoming the newest formidable underdog in what is, essentially, a heavyweight bout. Though the contest is kind of irrelevant these days, I always enjoy a group that knows how to write melodeath songs, and after hearing this, I dont question their abilities whatsoever. The only thing working against them, however, is their slight lack of personality.
Theres a smorgasbord of appetizing characteristics up for grabs, but in truth, Enforsaken havent invented anything new, nor are they blazing a trail. In other words, this path has been traveled before and is even paved, frequented by walkers and joggers alike. Nevertheless, Sinners Intuition showcases several elements that reside a notch below the expert category. The songwriting is inviting, the musicianship is impressing, and the complete package is charming. And really, I shouldnt have to describe the sound since its melodic death. Of course fingers will be pointed in the direction of Gothenburg, Sweden, but theres not shameless mimicking here. A number like Witness to the Fall satisfies the At the Gates requirement, whereas Blacklist Assassin fulfills the In Flames comparison and The Course to Oblivion goes where Dark Tranquillity have gone before. Enemy Angel has a Quo Vadis-like production especially in regards to the bass and there are Carcass undercurrents flowing every which way, perhaps drawing out the very best of nowadays Arch Enemy, too.
At 40 minutes, with each song lasting roughly four minutes apiece, Sinners Intuition wont shortchange you. Plus the fact that Crash Music, Inc. released this means itll be widely available. Still, I have qualms when asked to fully endorse Enforsaken because I cant do it. I get enthused when I think about what these Chicagoans are capable of creating in the future, but as of now, they come up a tad short in my book. If they were more exploratory, or experimented a bit, then I think theyd have something special on their hands. All in all, this is a good album, if unessential.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Enforsaken Website
Official Crash Music, Inc. Website
Crash Music, Inc. CMU61167 March 7th, 2006
By Jason Jordan

When it comes to melodic death metal, Europe holds the subgenre in the palm of its hand. But Chicago-rooted quintet Enforsaken citing the sturdiness of The Forever Endeavor and Sinners Intuition are rising within the ranks, becoming the newest formidable underdog in what is, essentially, a heavyweight bout. Though the contest is kind of irrelevant these days, I always enjoy a group that knows how to write melodeath songs, and after hearing this, I dont question their abilities whatsoever. The only thing working against them, however, is their slight lack of personality.
Theres a smorgasbord of appetizing characteristics up for grabs, but in truth, Enforsaken havent invented anything new, nor are they blazing a trail. In other words, this path has been traveled before and is even paved, frequented by walkers and joggers alike. Nevertheless, Sinners Intuition showcases several elements that reside a notch below the expert category. The songwriting is inviting, the musicianship is impressing, and the complete package is charming. And really, I shouldnt have to describe the sound since its melodic death. Of course fingers will be pointed in the direction of Gothenburg, Sweden, but theres not shameless mimicking here. A number like Witness to the Fall satisfies the At the Gates requirement, whereas Blacklist Assassin fulfills the In Flames comparison and The Course to Oblivion goes where Dark Tranquillity have gone before. Enemy Angel has a Quo Vadis-like production especially in regards to the bass and there are Carcass undercurrents flowing every which way, perhaps drawing out the very best of nowadays Arch Enemy, too.
At 40 minutes, with each song lasting roughly four minutes apiece, Sinners Intuition wont shortchange you. Plus the fact that Crash Music, Inc. released this means itll be widely available. Still, I have qualms when asked to fully endorse Enforsaken because I cant do it. I get enthused when I think about what these Chicagoans are capable of creating in the future, but as of now, they come up a tad short in my book. If they were more exploratory, or experimented a bit, then I think theyd have something special on their hands. All in all, this is a good album, if unessential.
UMs Review Rating Scale
Official Enforsaken Website
Official Crash Music, Inc. Website