
yeah, first one's ok, second one sucks.

i wouldn't even say its worth listening to if it wasn't for ray alder on vox.
Ray's the man. Engine is a great side project. For a bunch of Engine photos you should go here: http://musicfinder.yahoo.com/artist/photos/1804635765


FYI - Ray and Warrel toured together in 1990. Ray with Fates Warning, Warrel in Sanctuary. This photo was backstage at the House of Blues in LA on 11/26.

Maybe Warrel with remember this......." Drop acid, not bombs "

Or his great comeback to the skin head at the Long Island show who said
" you guys suck "
To which Mr. Dane replied " well, we already got your money, so you can leave at any time "

aaaaaah good times WD.
I saw engine in 2000 during the dynamo festival in the netherlands, so they had to play their first album. I didn't know them at that time but it was a great concert.
I've listened to mp3s on their website and I prefer the first album, but I have to listen to it once more.
I pefer KROMA KEY..at least they were intelligent in every way
Everyone's spot on. The first album was tremendous, really good and suprisingly PURE power metal with modern production. It was great hearing Alder sing passionately with a band that actually played heavy (something Fates hasn't done since the 80s).

On the second one, they introduced a lot of cheesy Nu Metal elements and things went south. It was a shame--the first album showed so much promise.
Well Said, Hard Rock
The Vox Is So Quite...
What Fates Are Metal And Always Have Been, So They Don't Wear Neopunk Keychains And Beanies...., And Have Lip Piecerings....but They Are Heavy Noise On Every Cd.

Funny thing is, that was the tour that I discovered Sanctuary...I went to see Fates Warning and was pissed they were the openers....was getting ready to leave and then was amazed when I heard the first few notes and saw this guy onstage with the longest hair I'd ever seen....hearing Warrel's voice brought us all back into the club, and the next day I went to the record store and bought Refuge Denied and Mirror Black.