engl pb clip deathmetal


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
here is a snippet of a song i just recorded, using an engl powerball v1 mixed with a savage (80%-20%).
IMO the engl sounds too fizzy, but perhaps that's just the first version, i heard they updated it and got rid of that problem.

please tell me what you think.
that was the reference given by the band, so i'd say "mission acomplished" ;)

yes, cabs are very important, here an engl v30 was used, i like the cheaper stdandard version way better (celestion v60) for metal, imo there's no better cab for hard stuff, it's got creamier beefier low-mids than the v30 and less harsh high-mids-

the difference between those 2 can roughly be described by the difference between sm57&md421 or el34%6l6


(very roughly!):zombie:
Nicely played...

I hear some extreme low rumble mixed in very low in the intro/first part of the song... what is that?
Black neon bob said:
Nicely played...

I hear some extreme low rumble mixed in very low in the intro/first part of the song... what is that?

a bass that's played EXTREMELY bad ;)

but everyone complained it's too quiet, so i had to make it a tad louder.....
the problem now is, that you can hear it :puke:

i think at the intro-part it's some wannabe bass-sliding ;)