I did a reamp with my ENGL Powerball v1. I hear so much bs about how they aren't very good, they don't cut in a mix, they have horrible construction, blah blah blah. Well, my powerball is probably 7 years old, still kicking, I use it live against my other guitarist's 6505/mesa rig and I get told that all the crowd could hear was me. And here is a song I did with the Powerball, no boost, with a Mesa Rectifier 4x12 with one sm57. I think this is a great amp personally, hope you guys enjoy. Maybe I can get people to appreciate this amp for what it is, a good amp. I will say this though for the haters, its not for everyone, and it isn't for every situation, but you wouldn't use a 6505 on a bluegrass record either.