Engl Powerball / S2.0 Content

whoa, lots of updates, Im listening to an earlier track... mix is pretty good, if I was the bassist I might be a little upset with the way bass is EQed and bass follows guitars, the keys sound good in many parts but when they follow the guitars and hit those "maestro high notes", you lost me dude :) may be just taste preference but it depletes from the feel of the song, maybe your compensating for lack of singer, I dunno... sounds pretty awesome guitar/drum stuff keep it up
lekteri, i've been a fan of your mixes for a while.

i've noticed however, you've chosen 2 57's as opposed to the e607 and 57 combo?

back when you done those superior 2.0 tests, i really liked the sound of the guitar there (i think those would of been with the previous cab you had?). i really liked the song you were playing around with too! hehe.

i have to say that i prefer that sound you had on the songs superior6.mp3 and the like, i still listen to them sometimes! haha.

regardless, these are really good mixes, and i'd love to hear more!

lekteri, i've been a fan of your mixes for a while.

i've noticed however, you've chosen 2 57's as opposed to the e607 and 57 combo?

back when you done those superior 2.0 tests, i really liked the sound of the guitar there (i think those would of been with the previous cab you had?). i really liked the song you were playing around with too! hehe.

i have to say that i prefer that sound you had on the songs superior6.mp3 and the like, i still listen to them sometimes! haha.

regardless, these are really good mixes, and i'd love to hear more!



I use only one sm57 because it's just more easier to keep it in right place. I have 2½ year old child beast running in my house. He have destroyed one sm57 already. I'll upload some screenshots from my mixes later.

Updated brutal clip:
http://liquorworks.wippiespace.com/mp3/03 brutal.mp3

I hope somebody understand my english :lol:
This forum reveals very good guys every day i come there...
Wonderful Songs and Tones!