Engl Savage 120 vs. EVH 5153 50 vs. EVH 5153 100

Simon Dorn

Jun 24, 2012
Hey, you gear nerds and geeks! :)
I actually wanted to post a clip 50 vs 100watt version but since i already recorded the Savage, i thought i put the three together... It was recorded with the Grossmann Sg-Box (Celestion G12k100/Shure sm7b) using my Dean Cadikill, loaded with a Seymour Duncan Sh13. I didn't try to make them sound the same. The Savage is actually a little brighter than the others with its setting. Wysiwyg, settingwise in the video. So there is some room for adjustments with the pots :)

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The Engl Savage wins for me by far! A nice bass with it in the mix and it would be a really great tone.
Get that shitty dimebucker out of you're guitar, switch it for a SH-6/SH-5.

The Savage sounds much better IMO. More grind but less thick sounding ( probably because how you set the amps )

The last two Dying Fetus records were recorded with the Savage and have the best tone ever so in a way I would pick a Savage over the 5150iii even if it sounded better here. :lol:
meh, i never liked the 5150IIIs but it seems decent here

savage wins

my all time favorite amps are the 5150/6505 though
The 5153s are GREAT.
Depends on what you like
The presence is way too low on the 5150 IIIs. Too dark/smooth set like that.
I agree! :)
Get that shitty dimebucker out of you're guitar, switch it for a SH-6/SH-5.

The Savage sounds much better IMO. More grind but less thick sounding ( probably because how you set the amps )

The last two Dying Fetus records were recorded with the Savage and have the best tone ever so in a way I would pick a Savage over the 5150iii even if it sounded better here. :lol:

Hey ForgottenEffigy,
i have more than one guitar, so there's no need to change the Pickup :)
Yes :)
There's a few more things, you have to take care of when producing a CD, except for the Amp...
But you seem to be biased :)
The Savage has a ton of garbage in the top end. If the presence were higher on the EVH amps, they would have smoked the Engl like baby-backs.