Engl - Strange noises. amp techs please help


Aug 2, 2011
hey, so i have this amp for a year now, bought it new.
lately it started to have moods, it has some cooking crackling noise, its quiter then teh actual guitar noise, but its there, its not all the time, it comes and goes.. sounds like tubes, but i changed all the preamp tubes one by one to an extra one i had and the crackts are still there.
i tried different guitars, different cables, disconnecting any effects etc...

Can someone help me please?

sound example:
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Dying component of some sort I reckOn,my Marshall was making the same noise when a resistor in the pre amp section was on its way out. Hard to say though, take it to a tech, unless you're comfortable with a multi meter and LETHAL voltages.
problem solved! thanks for the help though, it seems like an electrical problem caused by high current welding machines in the neighboors appartement..