Enlightenment or Armageddon?


Pop till ya drop
Jun 17, 2001
Wollongong Australia
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I often wonder if the human race will ever leave the state of confusion we are in. All in all, we know very little about alot of things. Do you think our race will be destroyed before we find out such important things as the origin of the universe, life after death or lack thereof, alternate realities, dimensions, time travel etc etc. I think we have far too many flaws to really succeed as a race. As pessimistic as it may be, my vote is that we'll destroy ourselves first.

yes.. we will destroy ourself before we manage to figure out how to save our skins... pollution/destruction of natural habitats/extintion of animal species will be the causes of our slow and painful death..
Nah...we'll live on for a very long time...

Too bad our lives will still be this pathetic existence, building something wonderful for the generations that follow...
I've always believed that humans are actually creating what will destroy them - technology.

We are so hell-bent on making our life easier vby automating our lives, that we will start to use less and less of our brains. I don't know when or by whom, but a "smarter" race (maybe technology itself) will attack us in our complacency, because we won't be able to think for ourselves.

Yeah - I've seen too many movies, but I do believe technology will be one of the main factors in something catastrophic.
Humans are naturally destructive. It's only a matter of time before someone somewhere does something really stupid...

...and then the apes will rule the earth!

Seriously, I think the shortsightedness of money and greed will cause the total destruction of our habitat, and then, eventually, of us once we have mangled the planet we live on into something that cannot support us.

And then there's always the possibility of some unstoppable disaster that we won't survive.
Humanity is a stupid creature which will ultimately destroy themselves. Hopefully the process of evolution will eventually produce a species that isn't as incredibly stupid and fucked up as us, but right now we're a worthless species that is slowly killing the planet we live on.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Yeah - I've seen too many movies, but I do believe technology will be one of the main factors in something catastrophic.

chechens always have complaigned of fighting machines..