Ensiferum song clips?


New Metal Member
Aug 16, 2002
Tucson, Arizona USA
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When I heard about this band, I tried to search the web and was able to find found their label, and their website. There's no songs to dl or clips to hear, I've searched everywhere it seems like (i guess not hard enough apparently) but not successful.

Does anyone know where or think Ensiferum songs can be on the web?? I've heard only good news about this band and was just simply curious of what they sound like.

Any help would be Great.

Is this a question disguised as SPAM?!?!
yes, mIRC is great. im sure if he used it he would have already found it. Definately learn to use mIRC its great for finding stuff that is rare or hard to find.
Originally posted by Eterna
is this IRC free to dl or do i have to purchase one??

BTW, thanks for the help.

irc is a name for the network, mirc is a program to get on parts of the network e.g. dalnet, undernet or quakenet, you'll figure it out :) and yes mirc is free @ www.mirc.com (well almost, you'll get a nag screen once in a while, but just ignore it :))

the album is great, some of the riffs and melodies really reminds me of children of bodom, and the rest... is just great :grin:
certain servers (DALnet for example) have channels on them just for the specific purpose of downloading music from people. Go into channels like #mp3-darkrealm, or #mp3_death_metal, or shit theres like a million of them. Go in there and you and pretty quickly learn how to search for and download music from the "bots" that idle there
Use the /list command to see what channels there are. Add the text you want to look for after the /list.

For example: /list metal mp3
hey, thanks everyone for getting me this far. But How exactly do you download from other users in the chat room??

I've seen ppl post about bands and songs they have in the chat room but i have no clue what to do after that.