Enslaved UK gig


Mar 18, 2004
London, UK
Enslaved are playing at the Garage in London this sunday, I'm just wondering if any of you ugly fucks are going as well? I'm pretty sure tickets are still available since I only bought one yesterday. There being supported by Thus defiled (BM), Abgott (BM) and Irony of christ (DM), I've haven't heard of any of them before, anybody know if there any good? I think's its gonna be a rather corking gig what what.
Thus Defiled - been peddling their more or less melodic bm for ages now; haven't really checked them out enough to be able to give a definitive verdict on the matter, but I saw them once and did't want to vomit - which could be a bad thing if you're a nun-raping sicko bm band, I don't know
Abgott - are they serious? are they any good? or are they quite simply a complete joke? I'm not sure about the answers to any of those questions, to be honest. their older material is a bit on the patchy side but a couple of recent songs have actually stood out. ie I heard them once or twice and managed to recognise them when they were played to me out of the blue. So there must at least be something slightly distinctive about them.
Having said this they really do seem to ride a very fine line. Just take a look at their website. abgott.co.uk
Irony of Christ - Absolutely no idea.
I am going!

I've seen Thus Defiled once before, and to be honest they didn't make much of an impression on me. Perhaps partially due to the poor sound quality, but they were just forgettable. Absolutely forgettable.

I know nothing about the other bands, but Enslaved should be great! They certainly were supporting Arcturus at the Underworld!
Damn, I missed Abgott because of a delayed journey :( I would have liked to check them out.

Thus Defiled I saw for the second time, didn't impress me any more than before. A bit sloppy, not very memorbale.

I had never heard of Vreid before, but they were really enjoyable. Thrashy black metal, good fun.

Enslaved were godlike. Phenomenal. Beautiful.


A full live review and also an interview with Grutle Kjellson - frontman of Enslaved - by me will be published on www.tartareandesire.com in the next few days.
I'll check out Abgott. I don't know Enslaved either, one of those bands I've heard of for a while and have a few mp3s of, but don't know.
I missed abgott too, damn silly trains! Was a very good gig though regardless. Enslaved were on top form and were every bit as good as I expected them to be. I wasn't too impressed with Thus defiled either, very sloppy playing, they clearly didn't do there sound check properly and were basically utterly forgetable. Vreid however were very good, some bloke in the crowd was telling me that they share some members with Windir, not sure if thats true or not though.

My only complaint was that I had to leave fifteen minutes before the end to get the last train home, other than that it was an excellent gig. Next on my list if Finntroll + Naglfar on may the 4th.
Yes, Vreid are 3 members of Windir!

And if you were getting the Silverlink train, the last train was about 11.50, I thought it was 11.18 so I left promptly, but I had to wait around until 11.28. Didn't miss any Enslaved though.

Where is that Finntroll/Naglfar gig?
Ah the guy wasn't talking bs then, I thought they were a bit too good to be a completely fresh/unknown group.

I thought the last train going from liverpool street in a chelmsford direction was at 11.35, so I left the gig at 11.10 and got to LS with like 5 mintues to spare, damn those pesky tubes!

The Finntroll gig is at the underworld in Camden on the 4th of May, which is a wednesday, there being supported by Naglfar and Amoral. I'm not sure if I'll be able to go or not yet though.
Well I didn't go from Liverpool street, I got the Silverlink train (right near the venue) to Stratford, and then got a train to Shenfield, a damn BUS to Chelmsford (maintanence work) and then train home. :(

You only missed about one song though by the sounds of it.

Just a reminded, check www.tartareandesire.com in the next few days for a live report and an interview with Grutle Kjellson!
Yeah I had to get that bus too, damn sunday service! Don't spose you know of any good site's for finding metal gigs in the UK? At the moment I find most of them by trawling through metal forums, which is time consuming to say the least!

I just saw that there's a mini death metal fest type thing at camden underworld on the 18th June with Cancer, Gorerotted, Avulsed, Prostitute disfigurement, Screamin' daemon, Putrefy, Nailed, Amputated and Endless torment. I've heard of most of them, but haven't actually heard any material from them, anybody know if there any good?