Entertainment Weekly

todd stock

New Metal Member
Dec 13, 2004
Has anyone read the new Entertainment mag. w/ Zak on the cover. While it gives a love letter kiss ass velvet gloved valantine to Kelly & Zak, the books are entirely cooked as the claim is made that the eggs were thrown from the audience. You know PITA says that farm chickens are kept in a cage so tight they can't even flap their wings. I want PITA on the case.
You mean PETA!Those idiots wanted Judas Priest to change the name of their "Hell Bent for Leather" album to "Hell bent for Pleather" to promote 'pleather" as an alternative to "leather" wich requires the killing of cows.Fucking vegans!
Any references to the Osbourne Spawn, who are spoiled, whiney, obnoxious, little media trendy 15 minute of famer types more suited to being adored by readers of 17 Magazine. Speaking of magazines, what self-respecting metal fan reads Entertainment Weekly? What, will we be talking about the Hilton Sisters or Queer Eye for yada yada next? STOP THE MADNESS!!! :OMG:
The title of this LA rag is Entertainment Today. God Zakk Wylde sucks. Blackie wants his mike stand and polished!
Zakk is a total wannabe redneck from New Jersey. Maybe nobody remembers him all glam rocked out not even 10 years ago. Now he wears a vest, chains, sports a beard and thinks he is some crazy biker. Dude doesn't even ride bikes or live in the south.. He is truly pathetic
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Maybe nobody remembers him all glam rocked out not even 10 years ago. Now he wears a vest, chains, sports a beard and thinks he is some crazy biker. Dude doesn't even ride bikes or live in the south.. He is truly pathetic

Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol poisons the brain and eventually a person says and does very bizarre things. . It's called wet brain.