Enthusiastic Zero Hour Interview Posted


Just a Kid at Heart

I just posted my interview with brothers Jasun and Troy Tipton, guitarist and bassist respectively, for the superb prog metal band Zero Hour.

Jasun and Troy are a blast to talk to. Extremely nice guys with an equally extreme load of talent. ZH's upcoming CD Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond (with new vocalist Chris Salinas) is going to shock and awe. :)

Check it out at www.NotesFromTheOtherSide.com.


FataMorgana said:
Well as if I wasn't already excited enough BEFORE reading this interview... :kickass:

Thanks Bill!!! Another great interview!


Thanks Stacy! I appreciate it.

Jasun Tipton is a blast to talk to. I've been hoping that readers catch some of his enthusiasm when they read my interview with him. So it's good to know some of it rubbed off on you. :)


Excellent interview Bill! I think you really captured the zest the brothers Tipton have for their music. Can't wait to get the new CD , as Towers is one of my all time favs.
ROFL! I thought the interview was over after you guys finished talking about rollover minutes!
"So ya, thats everything you need to know about my cell"
"Okay, I appreciate your time!"
Oh, that was great... but of course, it continues past that ;)

Your interviews are really good, and (its been said before) awesome website design.

Oh ya, ditto on the 'holy shit, now I'm -really- excited' feeling
trentdk said:
ROFL! I thought the interview was over after you guys finished talking about rollover minutes!
"So ya, thats everything you need to know about my cell"
"Okay, I appreciate your time!"
Oh, that was great... but of course, it continues past that ;)

Your interviews are really good, and (its been said before) awesome website design.

Oh ya, ditto on the 'holy shit, now I'm -really- excited' feeling


That's hilarious. :lol:

Thanks for the compliments -- on the interviews as well as on the site's design.

The lion's share of the credit for the design goes to a friend of mine named Kyle Adams who worked with me on its appearance and functionality earlier this year. He's a great web designer that I've known and worked with over the past couple of years on some cool projects. (That's actually a photo of my guitar on the home page. So, as you may have guessed, we cobbled together this and that to create the end result.)

The interviews are typed up by my fleet-fingered (and longsuffering) wife, Elisabeth, who gave up the last three months of her life to help me get them all posted (she's still working on Leatherwolf, by the way). I hope no one minds (Elisabeth notwithstanding) all the extra banter I leave in my interviews. It's my belief that if I cut out such stuff it wouldn't give people as accurate a portrait of the musicians behind the music. You know, who they are as people. (As much as can be discerned in 60 minutes, anyway.)

In Jasun's case, all the back-and-forth niceties and colloquialisms allow people to see how cool he is. And damn excited about the new ZH album. :)

All in all, Notes has been a team effort over the past six months. So I'm glad y'all have enjoyed it. That means a lot to us.

