Envy – A Dead Sinking Story


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Envy – A Dead Sinking Story
Rock Action Records (Europe), Sonzai Records (Japan), Level Plane Records (USA) – 2003
By Russell Garwood


Japanese collective Envy have been around for eleven years, yet A Dead Sinking Story is their debut European/U.S. release. Thanks to the lovely people at Rock Action Records, the band’s unusual variety of caustic emo-hardcore (interspersed with brooding instrumentals and subtle electronics) is now available on our shores. Archetypal, ferocious hardcore-screams (Tetsuya Fukagawa) are fragmented by recitation and infrequent singing, making for a less accessible sound but effectively fronting the emotionally charged music. Guitars come courtesy of Nobukata Kawai and Massahiro Tobita, and showcase impressive technical ability. Melodic yet distorted leads, reflective clean picking and intense riffage are used to create both sheer walls of noise and desolate soundscapes. A thin veil of electronics (Daichi Takasugi – samples) enhances atmospheric passages and adds an unsettling feel reminiscent of some post-hardcore/noisecore. The bass of Manabu Nakagawa and drums of Dairoku Seki form a tight rhythm section, especially impressive considering the unusual time signatures and drastic dynamic change on display. Occasional refrains consisting of screams over acoustic guitar are unusual and highly successful, while the band’s ability makes seemingly incompatible character-changes flow encourages Opeth comparisons.

The production on A Dead Sinking Story is excellent, and well balanced mixing ensures the dynamic contrast works as intended (i.e. without a need to reach for the volume). It is in this juxtaposition of tranquil melody and savage extremity - coupled with emotive, memorable songwriting - that the album’s dark beauty lies. Envy have fashioned an affecting and powerful piece of work which comes highly recommended for emo-hardcore fans. Even for those uninitiated to the genre, it is worth giving standouts like ‘Chain Wandering Deeply’ and ‘A Conviction That Speeds’ a listen; that way you may see the beyond the harsh exterior to the emotional fragility beneath.

Official Envy Website
Official Rock Action Records Website
Official Sonzai Records Website
Official Level Plane Records Website