The old Swede

Mar 29, 2003
Visit site
I just saw on the website of a German merchandise company that there will be an Enemies of Reality LIMITED EDITION. Does anyone know if this is true and what it will contain?
Oh and if this topic has already been discussed just tell me which thread it is (I didn´t read them all)
There better be a limited edition digipack, and it better contain bonus songs (such as Ride the Lightning and Psychotic Intellectual Narcotic).
there are a couple limited version ideas being kicked around. on vinyl for sure, a limited version is very likely in digipak or so perhaps with an extra dvd containing their video clips thus far, and perhaps a super limited version (one or two thousand max) in expensive, special packaging. can't say more than that for now. ideas for the songs are good, but the 'p.i.n.' song didn't get recorded, or got reworked with vocals, but everything recorded is on the record this time. the metallica cover never got finished and so it's not on the metallica tribute album as was previously announced.
Got this from my local "metal" record store's website SWAMP MUSIC :

NEVERMORE Enemies of reality LTD 2CD 21,90 EUR

So maybe the videos on DVD? Hopefully some live footage also since I've already got the three videos.
Distorted said:
Got this from my local "metal" record store's website SWAMP MUSIC :

NEVERMORE Enemies of reality LTD 2CD 21,90 EUR

So maybe the videos on DVD? Hopefully some live footage also since I've already got the three videos.

Perhaps WD will comment since he has been around the past few days lurking.
