anyone analyze them?
"Open wide and eat the worms of the enemy"
who's the enemy here? one of the enemies of reality? or reality itself? who is doing the feeding?
i'm confused on this point because i was thinking thus:
"reality" = the strongest drug, that makes us blind. it's the "ignorance that hides the sun," the sun being a symbol of truth (or is it? because "The sun in my hand becomes my despair/For I still want the truth" implies that it's not.)
reality's enemies are: "the nothing grating against the norm" and "the something that will not conform." do they feed [us] the worms, or does reality? who do they feed the worms to?
"These curious moments of shattered clarity/Stained, sentient portraits of our damaged sanity" --is this when we see through reality, or through the ignorance that hides the sun (these might be opposite things, i don't know)? does this happen when we stop eating the worms? or when we're fed the worms?
"The enemies of reality bring the sickness/Of cleansing genius" --is this good or bad? cleansing implies good, sickness not so good. i guess he's ambivalent
. what does this have to do with the stuff above and with "never purify," which is basically the same as cleansing?
i thought all the connections between the songs were interesting.
"We are cold when we are strong/In one breath we can still grow"
"In the cold embrace of the unknown/Not even blood could bring us warmth"
"We are the enemy"
who are the "us" and "we"? the enemies of reality? because reality is also an enemy, that of its enemies, which are the enemies of reality! that is, reality (a) and enemies of reality (b). a is the enemy of b, and b is the enemy of a. both are enemies. so which one is WD referring to? does he refer to both in different places by the same pronouns?
"Breeding your deception without eyes"
"What are we but men without eyes?\Swimming through the poison of design"
we're blind? i can't help but think of sperm cells when i hear these lines. they don't have eyes; they're blind. they swim. poison of design could be semen? could be the world? creation? "Leaching the force of collective design" --collective design is reality? are worms blind? i can't find my DNB booklet, but what does it say about the worms in "deconstruction"?
"the masses love the death show"
"Packaged and processed the masses are force-fed"
"Heroes and rapists they all have nice faces"
--stuff we see on TV?
the themes i picked up:
1. similar to "poison godmachine," in the sense that the media are evil and the tv lies.
2. regret, as in "noumenon," and "seed awakening." also implied in "tomorrow..." by "To regain the vision that my freewill once cast aside," "I see the fault of the steps that I mislaid," "I see the fault in a chance that was never taken," and "But did we learn, where we went oh so wrong," "Forgive yourself, for no one else will die for your crimes" (leave jesus out of this, i think he's saying).
3. misanthropy, "We are the useless by-products of soulless meat," "Another animal in this zoo our creator betrayed," "I analyze/All the aspects of humanity that I despise," etc.
4. comments on the world/life: "our perdition," "There is no stronger drug than reality," "life teaches us to be stoned or ashamed," "In this wasted miracle, the outcome so terminal," "Rags and ruin of all that was human," "There is no god/There is no fashionable deliverance," "The patterns spin in random order," etc.
5. religion: "Forgive yourself, for no one else will die for your crimes," "There is no god/There is no fashionable deliverance," "Losing faith once again," "self-immolation can never purify," "Another animal in this zoo our creator betrayed/If you dont feel the lesson, youre blind and deaf my son," "I am not your savior," "If you view life as a mission/For truth and purity in vision/You can become as the anointed," "salvations fucking dead," "Create the infinite and expand the question/Count to number seven/Your day of rest creates infection, your imperfection," "The waves ran as the storm came/The lightning in the distance signaled the coming crushing days/The sky was brooding and beautiful/And the gulls sailed like recycled fragile entities/The waves bled as the storm changed/In the cold embrace of the unknown/Not even blood could bring us warmth," "The pleasured and the pained pray their sins are gone/They cant reach heaven, the truths brutal lesson," etc.
6. truth: "Truth has become media controlled," "For I still want the truth," "For truth and purity in vision," "They cant reach heaven, the truths brutal lesson."
7. coldness
any others?
i apologize for the lack of organization and the repetition.
"Open wide and eat the worms of the enemy"
who's the enemy here? one of the enemies of reality? or reality itself? who is doing the feeding?
i'm confused on this point because i was thinking thus:
"reality" = the strongest drug, that makes us blind. it's the "ignorance that hides the sun," the sun being a symbol of truth (or is it? because "The sun in my hand becomes my despair/For I still want the truth" implies that it's not.)
reality's enemies are: "the nothing grating against the norm" and "the something that will not conform." do they feed [us] the worms, or does reality? who do they feed the worms to?
"These curious moments of shattered clarity/Stained, sentient portraits of our damaged sanity" --is this when we see through reality, or through the ignorance that hides the sun (these might be opposite things, i don't know)? does this happen when we stop eating the worms? or when we're fed the worms?
"The enemies of reality bring the sickness/Of cleansing genius" --is this good or bad? cleansing implies good, sickness not so good. i guess he's ambivalent

i thought all the connections between the songs were interesting.
"We are cold when we are strong/In one breath we can still grow"
"In the cold embrace of the unknown/Not even blood could bring us warmth"
"We are the enemy"
who are the "us" and "we"? the enemies of reality? because reality is also an enemy, that of its enemies, which are the enemies of reality! that is, reality (a) and enemies of reality (b). a is the enemy of b, and b is the enemy of a. both are enemies. so which one is WD referring to? does he refer to both in different places by the same pronouns?
"Breeding your deception without eyes"
"What are we but men without eyes?\Swimming through the poison of design"
we're blind? i can't help but think of sperm cells when i hear these lines. they don't have eyes; they're blind. they swim. poison of design could be semen? could be the world? creation? "Leaching the force of collective design" --collective design is reality? are worms blind? i can't find my DNB booklet, but what does it say about the worms in "deconstruction"?
"the masses love the death show"
"Packaged and processed the masses are force-fed"
"Heroes and rapists they all have nice faces"
--stuff we see on TV?
the themes i picked up:
1. similar to "poison godmachine," in the sense that the media are evil and the tv lies.
2. regret, as in "noumenon," and "seed awakening." also implied in "tomorrow..." by "To regain the vision that my freewill once cast aside," "I see the fault of the steps that I mislaid," "I see the fault in a chance that was never taken," and "But did we learn, where we went oh so wrong," "Forgive yourself, for no one else will die for your crimes" (leave jesus out of this, i think he's saying).
3. misanthropy, "We are the useless by-products of soulless meat," "Another animal in this zoo our creator betrayed," "I analyze/All the aspects of humanity that I despise," etc.
4. comments on the world/life: "our perdition," "There is no stronger drug than reality," "life teaches us to be stoned or ashamed," "In this wasted miracle, the outcome so terminal," "Rags and ruin of all that was human," "There is no god/There is no fashionable deliverance," "The patterns spin in random order," etc.
5. religion: "Forgive yourself, for no one else will die for your crimes," "There is no god/There is no fashionable deliverance," "Losing faith once again," "self-immolation can never purify," "Another animal in this zoo our creator betrayed/If you dont feel the lesson, youre blind and deaf my son," "I am not your savior," "If you view life as a mission/For truth and purity in vision/You can become as the anointed," "salvations fucking dead," "Create the infinite and expand the question/Count to number seven/Your day of rest creates infection, your imperfection," "The waves ran as the storm came/The lightning in the distance signaled the coming crushing days/The sky was brooding and beautiful/And the gulls sailed like recycled fragile entities/The waves bled as the storm changed/In the cold embrace of the unknown/Not even blood could bring us warmth," "The pleasured and the pained pray their sins are gone/They cant reach heaven, the truths brutal lesson," etc.
6. truth: "Truth has become media controlled," "For I still want the truth," "For truth and purity in vision," "They cant reach heaven, the truths brutal lesson."
7. coldness
any others?
i apologize for the lack of organization and the repetition.