EP mix for Superior Enlightenment (black industrial)

The drum shells sounds WAY too fake, even for this genre. That live video of yall playing sounded damn good, why not use the drums a bit more natural like that?
The drum shells sounds WAY too fake, even for this genre. That live video of yall playing sounded damn good, why not use the drums a bit more natural like that?

It will be a real kit for the album but meanwhile for the composition it had to be simple and fast.

Since it's preproduction tracks that ended as a EP, i recorded the drums on a v-drum. Samples are superior drummer 2.2 for toms and cymbals, for the bass drum it's a trance kick + the despised icon sample that i found just here on this forum and a slate snare.

Is it the kick, the snare or the toms that bothers you?
I diden't want a natural kick sound at all.
Are you sure it's not the cymbals the problem? If anything bothers me in the drum sound, it surely is the cymbals.
The snare and toms are what are bothering me. I thought the cymbals turned out fine.
Woah, I like this a lot. I love the fake sound of the drums, I think they fit well, at first listen I have no complaints on the mix, really enjoying this

Edit: I'm your new fan. Where me get Ep?

It's not out yet, we're still working on one song and the artwork! Should be out in a month or two!
You can follow us on myspace, reverbnation, tru the label (http://www.mankindsdemise.com/) or the most updated site would be facebook:
