Epic Intro is Epic (Drums, Battle Sounds, Orchestra)

sounds really good.

i'd add some more layers with different instruments towards the end though.
Thanks for your comments guys!

Glad to see that you liked it :Smokin:
Perhaps I can add more instruments at the end, or strings one octave higher... I'll try!
OT: I'm playing it too! Amazing game, awesome history... but too short!

yep too short indeed, but the replay value is good, and its freaking hard! even on "Easy" mode o_O

The Wild Hunt flashbacks and the Eternal Battle quest is the scenes that i can think of with that epic music of yours :popcorn:
Awesome, just two things.

I'd make the violins (higher strings whatever) more constant and less staccato while adding more stop and go the low stuff during the main part.
You could create some more dynamics that way, it could probably also use some more prominent drums in the foreground.