epic intro (MULTI's/ STEMS)


Jun 16, 2011
heres my bandds intro tune with stems if anyone wants some practice. sorry the leads arent DI they are out of my Kranks poweramp. and the drums are mapped for Superior TMF. when you import the midi you might end up with a few extras for some reason (called Cyms. just delete them) i dont know how that happened but i use a shells track and a cyms track. but i merged them into one with a common mapping. enjoy

reference mix

My mixtest :)

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nice mix :)
guitar chain please?

Thanks :) Well, I'm not on my PC now, so I don't remember exactly, what settings I've used, but guitars goes in that way:

2)noise gate
3)tse x30

Guitar chain goes on each track, and later those guitar tracks I've put into one group on which I've applied:

1)Density MKII (2bus glue preset)
2) ReaEq (standard guitar eq'ing like hp,lp, boosts,cuts etc)

After that, I've put those "all guitar group" together with bass into one group "Guitars with bass" on which I've applied some delicate compression ;)

I dig this kinda stuff!

well i think its pushed really hard on the limiter or something bro! and the drums sound like they have no high end at all, except for the overheads, lots of clipping, what are you monitoring on?
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Well I guess I only called them stems because some people think that's what they are. They are in the first post labeled"raws"
Some people are wrong so you catered to them?


As for responding to the OP:

These are not stems, my friend. These are raw tracks. Stems are just bounced files of a particular group of instruments or tracks. They are post-mix, so they'll have all the verbs, delays, EQs, compressions, etc. (ie all the vocal tracks onto one track, guitars, drums, etc.) Raw muli tracks are the actually INDIVIDUAL .wav files, unprocessed and ready to be mixed.

I'm sure you are well aware of this but I know some people on here aren't exactly sure what the difference is so hopefully this post helps break it down a little easier.

Also, downloading it now.
I know. These aren't stems, (well there is 1 stem in there) my bad. Also does any one have any suggestions on my mix? Or my DI tracks? Any way I can improve? Glad people are getting some use out of it. Its short but it seems like there is enough going on to make it an interesting song to mix.
well i think its pushed really hard on the limiter or something bro! and the drums sound like they have no high end at all, except for the overheads, lots of clipping, what are you monitoring on?

Well my mistake was every stage had a master limiter/clip on it and I forgot to disable it as I was mixing down. I'm monitoring on a home stereo
that's about 10 years old. It's no excuse but that's what I'm using at the moment. At least it has a sub. I adjusted the eq on it based on your feedback and gave it another try. Feedback please!

I also noticed that itunes plays it very different than cubase. itunes is what I'm using to convert to mp3...oh and I converted a 24 bit 4100khz in itunes which didn't convert well so this time I mixed down to 16 bit 4100khz and then converted to mp3. is it any better?
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I had a try. Very nice DI's! Looked like the timing was of so I had to fiddle a bit to line it all up. That could just be me tough. Haven't got much tips since you're doing pretty amazing work :) Only thing that I personally didn't like was the way that there was this outside guitar, I didn't like to keep switching sounds so I just made that part of the Left guitar. But that's like a personal thing.
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