epic intro (MULTI's/ STEMS)

Ok this is my last try until I get some monitors but I think this one sounds pretty good. Learned a few new tricks like mixing in mono for a bit, and using reference tracks to compare. I'm still using an old stereo but I have some adams monitors at the jam pad that I borrowed but they're not hooked up at my house so...here goes.
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Heres my try :) i hope you don't mind i put a little stutter thing at the beginning, it's not amazing i just did it in like two hours and my ears get fatigued quickly haha

infact forget that last mix done a new one.



Little glitchy thing is cool. I want to do some glitching if the guitars at the end. Whenever I get the vocals on this track.

@ametalguitarist yeah dude definitely hook those monitors up. And I think somethings up with how you are panning everything. Along with everything sounding distorted and pushed somehow.
Nice guitar tone! even without bass. what did you use?

Sorry for such the late response. My guitar chains include URS Strip PRO ( I use strip pro for the filters feature, I literally HighPass at 180 and lowpass at 13k, I don't know why I hp and lp the DI but w/e lately i've been doing it),tse808,x50, spreshigh all sent to a bus with ferric tds for a little more saturation, eq, and waves max bass- aggressive preset, in a way I feel that maxbass helps simulate the low end of the cab, but you have to be extremely careful w/ it because it can get extremely woofy, sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. here it is again with max bass pushed a little further so you can hear it. Sometimes I use it on the sub bass track. Oh and I also gave the guitars a little more PRES on this one. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19917325/multis3.mp3
Its a crappy 7 string washburn guitar sporting an emg 81 through a behringer di box. and bass was a music man stingray though a sansamps unprocessed out. That's why its so clanky. Interface was audio kontrol 1. were they that bad?
Its a crappy 7 string washburn guitar sporting an emg 81 through a behringer di box. and bass was a music man stingray though a sansamps unprocessed out. That's why its so clanky. Interface was audio kontrol 1. were they that bad?

Not at all, I liked the DIs
Here is my take on it.. It sounds pretty brutal! I put some glitchy effects as well :D

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everone sounds cool! haha this jam is way cool to expirement with effects and fades and shit, i change it all the time. i noticed my guitars were a little out of time on a few parts, you might need to correct that
Had a blast whipping this one up.

Any feedback or questions would be sweet.
Thanks for the DIs and MIDIs medic999

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Had a blast whipping this one up.

Any feedback or questions would be sweet.
Thanks for the DIs and MIDIs medic999

Well I think you forgot to put a cab impulse on the leads. I heard a few other people do that too.
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