Epic Metal????

Epic metal isn't really a genre; it's just a term used to describe certain bands whose lyrics take on epic themes (such as Manilla Road and Manowar). I definitely wouldn't consider Agalloch as "epic" metal, but I could see how some people might think they sound that way.

Maybe look into Woods of Ypres, if you want more stuff like Agalloch.
haha, I c wut u did thurr, it's an agalloch band rec thread in disguise trying to evade lockage!

Epicness is pretty relative imo, what elements of music/metal do you consider epic?
hmmm, if you like agalloch you might like...
wolves in the throne room
woods of ypres
virgin black
daylight dies

you cant really match the mellow mood of agalloch though. and for the record i wouldnt call them epic. but very emotional and powerful...
Candlesmass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

duh. (and, yes it's a serious reccommendation, it just happens to have epic and metal in the title)
Check out Nocte Obducta, Agrypnie, Thurisaz, and Ne Obliviscaris. They all play Progressive BM. Their drumming styles are as epic and they have similarly varied vocal styles, similarly prominent bass and similar lulls that build epicness. Trust me, the slow portions are important.

Also, check out Moonsorrow's latest single Tulimyrsky. I think you'll like.