Epica in London....

MentaLee said:
Just noticed they are playing at the Underworld (cue Northern whinging) on 7/5. So much for the Wasp/Dragonforce in Wolves plan!!!
Good! I'm Glad someone started the whinging. I'd have been mega disappointed otherwise :)

I did seriously look at the possibility of a date in the North, but economically I couldn't take a chance on it, on top of the London gig. Had we been given some dates a little further into the future (the band only had the weekends 7/8/9 and 14/15/16 May available), then I might have been able to work something out.

Maybe we would have caused less problems to other promoters at the same time too :(

If I could be sure of selling out in London, then I'm sure the bands would be interested. However the gig is only 8 weeks away, tickets have only been on sale a couple of days (after the screw-up re The Garage) and its a little early to say.
Blah, never heard of 'em, and couldn't find any of their stuff on Bearshare
Going on other stuff you like, you should enjoy them. Get yourself to the gig anyway, what better introduction to the band than a live show! :)

I'll pick up a ticket when I'm in London next weekend, plenty of time this week to convince people to let me get tickets for them when I'm up there. :D
Yes Epica are coming, grand news, only found out myself a few days ago. but brought a ticket as soon as i could. They are also bringing Sengir over with them.
this is set to be a prefect night. i advise everyone to go. you'll be missing out if you dont. Im sure Epica will be massive very soon, but of course they already are.