If you can see Angela Gossow, she can see you.
If you can't see Angela Gossow, you may be only seconds from deaf.
Too good, sir

If you can see Angela Gossow, she can see you.
If you can't see Angela Gossow, you may be only seconds from deaf.
That review caused quite the shitstorm over on the Epica boards...just classic. But I'd love to see this concert. I was wondering about that Paradisio DVD as well...I'll have to ask about that.
BTW Zach, I didn't know you perused this forum...first time I've seen you post here.
I just check the forum every now and then. Don't post much because i'm not with the progpower "in" crowd... or mafia as the case may beOnly been to one progpower, it was cool. I am more just looking for a place to talk about true/power metal with people. Unfortunately for me, seems like most people here are exclusively prog.
I'm going to post the review, but with a bit of a warning. The style isn't for everyone, i'm sure some will be offended. There are legitimate points in there for anyone willing to check it out. In fact, after the epica board got pissy, I explained my review very fucking well and most of the folks there actually seemed to accept that it was a valid review even if they don't agree with it.
Here's the goddamned review.
The only thing I will say is before anyone says it is disrespectful to Simone, I would like to point out that I've seen worse things said by the fans. It seems the only problem with me saying it is that I hate the band.
I'm going to post the review, but with a bit of a warning. The style isn't for everyone, i'm sure some will be offended. There are legitimate points in there for anyone willing to check it out.
Can someone give me the three minutes of my life back that I spent reading that drivel?
I was speaking globally (looking back Arch Enemy may not have been the best pick for a band with global appeal). It seems you are speaking just in terms of the US. In Europe, my understanding was that, Epica and After Forever are huge over there as well, selling out large shows and festivals.The difference in popularity between a band like Epica and Within Temptation is HUGE. Within Temptation practically sold out a large venue in NYC w/ a crappy opener. Epica maybe had 150 people with a better overall bill. After Forever & Epica are left in the dust by all the other bands you mentioned.
I really liked the "We Will Take You With Us" DVD/CD set. I would count the DVD book that came with it that I had signed by each band member at PP VII among one of my favorite pieces of memorabilia (and while I do like Epica a lot, they are not my favorite band). But regardless of the sentimental value, I'm really glad I spent the money on that special edition DVD/CD and enjoyed the making of footage. The CD was on regular rotation in my player for a long while. Unfortunately, I am missing my Phantom Agony CD. I need to re-purchase that. It's a great album.Of course, I thought "We Will Take You With Us" was one of the worst music DVDs I've ever watched and would have been 100x better simply as a bonus disc for a special edition of Phantom Agony rather than a completely different product. I'm kind of pissed I spent money on the thing.
Ok, I know that.
Weird because their style is nothing slightly comparable to the other bands in her list.
Yes, the styles are very different and I know a lot of folks like to box in the idea of "female-fronted" metal - typically symphonic or gothic metal, occasionally power - but the range in styles for female-fronted metal are vast: from Within Temptation to Arch Enemy to Doro to Leaves' Eyes to Bloodflowerz to Beautiful Sin to Holy Moses (and that's just a handful of bands). They are all very different, each with their own unique qualities (musically and vocally), but they all have female singers.I agree with Empress in that I don't really think of "female-fronted band" when I hear Arch Enemy![]()
PG - It seems you and I are on the same page when it comes to Epica. I don't go see bands with female singers for the eye candy. (I can stand naked in front of my mirror at home for free.Well, I certainly don't agree with the review, but I can see where you're coming from on some parts. Everyone has their own opinion. I personally love Mark's growls.
Oh, and I would still give a shit even if the band didn't, as you said, "have a sweet set of tits onstage". I like the band for the music, not for the eyecandy.
Please ignore the fact that i said the first two After Forever albums were fantastic. Oh... you did.If your going to spend more time talking about how you'd like to boink the lead-singer of the band and about how disappointed that her "naughty bits" are covered up, then it's really hard for me to believe that you actually put any effort or thought into writing a fair review of this band. The fact that you start the review with the phase "Ugh… chick metal," is enough indication for me that you don't care in the first place based solely on the band having a female singer, even if the band is great.
Regardless of what you have heard other "fans" say about Simone, that doesn't change that what you say about Simone (particularly in the first paragraph) is "disrespectful." It's a cop out to say "It's ok for me to do it because others have done it." Whether or not you appreciate the true natural talents she has (her voice, not her looks), that doesn't change the fact that she is a talented singer with a pretty wide range and good stage presence. She has guested on albums of Kamelot, Primal Fear, Aina, and Ayreon - bands/groups that I would imagine would not pick out guest singers based alone on looks.
Me said:Hey, I just wanted to stop in and say a few things. I wrote that review that was posted a few pages back from Global Domination... Hey guys. how goes? My name is Zach Palmer.
A few quick points to explain my side of things:
1) First and foremost, I didn't write the review with the fans in mind. There's no point in writing for the fans of the band or else it's just a self-congratulatory clusterfuck, and that doesn't do anyone who is a potential buyer any good. You guys already know you are going to buy it, so it's not to appeal to the fans.
2) Lord K had nothing to do with it except post it. I just thought I'd point that out. It made me laugh.
3) There are plenty of valid points in that review that pertain to the band IF you chose to look past the Simone comments (which I guess no one here can do).
4) And speaking of Simone... ahh yes. First, of course I wrote that to get a reaction. Loved every second of reading it too. I know, i know, I'll probably be called a troll and immature again, and that's fine. But let me explain a few things. First of all, the point was not so much my sexual desires for an attractive redhead who fronts a fairly mediocre band. It's not as though I sit around all day long thinking of Simone. Hell, I can name many women who I find more attractive, and in fact have dated women who are more attractive... the point of stating that over and over in the review is that her looks are the only thing even remotely extraordinary about the band. Again, that's a matter of opinion and I understand that, but again I'm not writing the review with the Epica fan forum in mind.
I also find it strangely ironic that most fans of Epica get all up in arms at the mention of Simone's ass coming from someone who doesn't like the band when I've heard much of the same coming from the bands fans. And there's no pretending that her physical appearance is not important to the band and their success.... she appears on the bloody cover naked for Christ's sake. That right there should tell you a lot. And the funny thing is that I probably have a hell of a lot more respect for women than most guys... but that's neither here nor there for most of you. I'm sure everyone still wants to think of me as a complete asshole. Feel free
2 final thoughts. 1) Mark says I have a small penis, which made me laugh. I guess if guys who dig Simone have small penis's... well... draw your own conclusions. 2) All my information (aim screen name, msn screen name etc) are legit. I'm not hiding anything. In fact, Epica are going to be in Seattle this Saturday, a show I'm not planning on attending. However, if Mark would like to meet and possibly do an interview for GD in which he is welcome to say anything he'd like about me, my review, Lord K, and not to mention a little bit about his band's album, I would be MORE than happy to show up. I'm not paying for a ticket though heh.
Anyhow, that's not a joke. I'd be happy to meet face to face and dispel any accusations that I'm just hiding behind my computer screen (hah... kills me every time).
Thanks for reading guys, I actually do appreciate anyone who took the time to read this. Still don't like the album and stand by my writing 100%.
doomsdayzach said:Soren said:@doomsdayzach: Ok.. It is all a matter of opinion.. you don't like the album and there are people that do. That is it. I still can't take your review seriously since you didn't really make any real points about the music itself. And no, i don't want to debate the album or the band with you. Eveyone is entitled to have his or her own opinion. But hey, we are well past that now, so no need to restart a whole argument over that again.
With all due respect, putting out criticism of someone's work then refusing to discuss it is a mighty big cop-out. Also, I honestly don't understand how you can say that there are no real points in the review. Maybe no real points that you agree with, but honestly to say that there is a complete lack of substance? No, you just don't take me seriously (as you said) and I don't ask you to. I don't take myself too seriously to be quite honest, hence my ability to write something that entertains me that much. Still, I do take my writing seriously, and while a lot of that review is very funny to me, it's honest and serious. The style of writing isn't for everyone, I'll grant you that.
Back to the point, I see quite a number of points that make this a legitimate review. Go ahead and re-read it:
In the second paragraph (yeah, the first one is fluff) I can count at least 3 valid points straight away without even thinking too much.
Also, this isn't a personal tirade against you. I could have brought up the same shit with any number of the posts on this forum, but you were just the first one to respond to my post so this was easiest.
Final note: Just to further my point that my Simone comments were not without justification and that yes, everyone is thinking the same thing but no one has the nuts to speak up... what's with the "Pictures of Epica / SIMONE" thread? There is nothing wrong with that in any way. That's a big portion of the band's vast appeal and they know it. It is what gets a lot of those guys in the door of the show with their girlfriends (don't pretend that this isn't the case... plenty of my friends and acquaintences have flat out said as much that this is the only reason they're going to see the band live). My point in bringing it up is that it's silly to have this underlying obsession, yet when someone brings it to the forefront it's "ZOMGWTF *angry face*"
edit: oh, by the way, I am in no way trying to change anyone's mind here. I think it's cool that Epica has such a broad and devoted fanbase and that the fans are so into the music (which I do understand that most people are not only interested in Simone). I just feel like I deserve an opportunity to defend my review, not to mention address the hypocrisy in some of the comments about it.
The Primal Fear album she guested on is widely considered to be the band's worst (GIVE ME NUCLEAR FIRE!!),
I'm sorry. I did read that, but the fact that 50% of your review focused on talking about Simone's looks overshadowed it just a bit. It's not that what little you said about the album was wrong (although as stated already, I don't agree with most of it), it's just that the pieces of the review that had any merit were spaced so few and far between you talking about Simone's T&A that it doesn't help the review seem as credible.Please ignore the fact that i said the first two After Forever albums were fantastic. Oh... you did.
Finally! Something we agree on!I'd rather see Doro.
My point was that those bands/individuals know music. You might not have liked their most recent releases (or only release in Aina's case), but that doesn't mean that they are going to pick a singer who stinks to be on their album. I also don't see how one line in a song constitutes as concrete evidence of the sole basis for her being picked by Arjen. But if her looks are the reason for being selected, than Arjen is either no more intelligent than the fanboys who will watch a band just for the eyecandy, or smart enough that he knows how to exploit them.And as for her guest appearences, well, that Kamelot song was pretty good, but hardly great. The Primal Fear album she guested on is widely considered to be the band's worst album (and it is... GIVE ME NUCLEAR FIRE!!), Aina is hardly even a consideration for listening material IMO since it's one of the weakest Rock/Metal opera's since that Genius one or whatever the fuck it was, and the new Ayreon is hardly worth getting excited about in my eyes. And let's not forget, even Arjen's lyrics in Web of Lies focus around how Xavier thinks she's "looking great". Sure, you can tell me it fits with the story and is some deep, meaningful line, but i won't buy it.
Mark Jansen of EpicaWho is Mark?
I was speaking globally (looking back Arch Enemy may not have been the best pick for a band with global appeal). It seems you are speaking just in terms of the US. In Europe, my understanding was that, Epica and After Forever are huge over there as well, selling out large shows and festivals.
His review of the CD was spot on, and I don't think Epica would get as much attention if there was a much uglier singer, I personally dont hear anything mindblowing from the 2 Epica albums I have.
And Arch Enemy is probaly the most mainstream female fronted band? Maybe Lacuna Coil now but idk
My mistake, I thought I had heard that they had higher rankings in Europe.After Forever hit #6 in the Dutch charts, also their home country. Unfortunately I can't find any other info which could possibly mean they didn't chart anywhere else.
Divine Conspiracy entered charts mostly in the 30s and higher. The Dutch charts were the only ones they appear to have broken the top 10 (9) and they, again, are from there.
Was that the hottest chicks in metal tour, or another tour? That tour was the last I'd heard of them heaedlining. Just wondering what other band(s) you were there to see.I promptly got drunk when their [Lacuna Coil's] set started last time I saw them. Of course I didn't go to see them, they just happened to be headlining.
Yep the hottest chicks tour. I went to see Within Temptation and Stolen Babies. Stolen Babies is really quite awesome, way different from the other bands there. And Within Temptaion's debut here in the states was damn good. You could tell they didn't really know just how popular they were over here.