

Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
Well when I first listened to Kamelot's "The Haunting" I really liked the female voice, so then I looked up who it was and found Simone Simons (Who is fucking hot btw). So then I found Epica. Anyways, this was a while ago. So then still a while ago I was listening to Death.fm, and saw who was playing and it was Epica. That being said, I really liked it, but forgot what the track was. So can someone recommend me a good Epica album?
I really recommend not listening to Epica. They are like 1-hit wonder band. They had, in my more Euro PM phase, a few good tracks with a bunch of shit. But if you still want to try them out, the one I liked the most(but still barely at all) was their latest. If you like good female vocals, listen to Oceanborn/Wishmaster era Nightwish.
I respectfully disagree... the singles they release are generally bad but they have far different dynamics then any other female fronted gothic/power metal band... I'd actually start with The Divine Conspiracy, its heavier and more epic then the others
that works too... I will say that Simone is as stunning in person as she is in photoshoots, whereas Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil while still cute isn't anywhere close to what she looks like in Revolver and Metal Hammer in person
wasn't she also the singer for the band prior to Epica, After Forever? they have a handful of quite nice songs. personally I found Epica disappointing.

edit: never mind, only the guy who does the compositions is the same.
"Memories" by Within Temptation
"Stars" by Lacuna Coil
"Imaginary" by Evanescence

and check out The Mist and the Morning Dew if you want something with a less simplistic rock vibe
that works too... I will say that Simone is as stunning in person as she is in photoshoots, whereas Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil while still cute isn't anywhere close to what she looks like in Revolver and Metal Hammer in person

care to post up the pics you're referring to here some time?
I don't have pics of Simone live unfortunately as I only had my cell camera with me but i will get ya the Cristina Scabbia pics, my friend has the originals so it may be a day or so, will reply here
my apologies still looking for the rest... i'm the moron on the right that was caught looking at his hand... my buddy had his video cam and a digital cam out but he had both of them on and had been using the video cam so i just figured he was going to be taking a still of that... i'll keep looking for the rest but this will have to do for the moment, this is from Skyshow 2003(or 04, don't remember) in Manchester, NH

as I said shes definitely cute and everything but not to the point that all of the metal publications make it out to
I'd say stick with the Kamelot song. Epica has a few good tunes, but on the whole I think they're pretty boring.

What you should definitely do is check out the Kamelot album Epica (where the band got their name from). It's fucking awesome.

I'd go with ANGTORIA.
Sara Jezebel is one of the most captivating and best singers...M or F.
Epica are one of my favourite bands and I would recommend to anybody to give them a fair listen... Simone has a great voice but you have to remember she is very young (only 20 i believe). Epica's music is full of varying styles, some ballads and some quite heavy songs. Epica's mastermind is Marc Jansen who is Floor Jansen's (After Forever) brother.

After Forever are also a great band and I would suggest any of their albums. After seeing them live in Leeds, I can tell you that Floor's voice is just as incredible as it is on the albums.

Both bands deserve huge respect:worship:

Just my 2 pence worth anyway!!