Episode 3 trailer

I thought the idea of Star Wars was to have shitty special effects, I think they tried so hard to make the same with new special effects technology that it infact looks retarded.

When is the film due to come out anyway?
Well unless he is in comedies, I dont see how looking like you will break into hysterical laughter at any minute could make you a good actor :)
junak said:
I thought the idea of Star Wars was to have shitty special effects, I think they tried so hard to make the same with new special effects technology that it infact looks retarded.
I have to agree here. Even with the budget that ESB had, the special effects were still pretty ordinary (matte backgrounds, etc.) but that didn't matter because the story was cool, and the humour wasn't forced. And spawn's right about the acting. Christiansen was terrible in AOTC, but I've seen him in other films and he's been brilliant. MacGregor has a wry smile on his face most of the time. Remember in TPM, right at the start when he says, "I've got a bad feeling about this?" He looks like he's about to go into hysterics.
For a start get rid of all the super clean and shiny spaceships and go back to models because the new CG ones look like a crap videogame. Its like they have armor alled every single spaceship in the galaxy. The original trilogy spaceships looked much, much better.

Secondly, try building some sets you cheap bastard.

Thirdly, fire George Lucas as director. Fourthly, fire George Lucas as the screenplay writer. Just like ESB and ROTJ did.
But we already knew it would look similar to the first two, special effects and sets wise. What was it from the trailer that made you think, 'oh, that wasn't as good as it could have been, how disappointing...'?

No matter what the new trailer looked like people will complain, and many people would never have given it a chance because of the last two films. Even if Episode III is brilliant, it will still be picked apart and canned by fanboys regardless.
Episode 3 will not be brilliant, the first 2 movies are utterly atrocious. Dispicable. They are AWFUL. And he will bounce back with a great movie that has the same actors, same director, same scriptwriter and same people working on it?



If anything, people will be expecting such shit that the movie may well be "better than I thought but still not good".
The beard looks so fake too, the only way it would look faker was if it was computer generated.