Episode 3

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Will Episode 3 deliver the goods (bads), it promises to be the darkest thing since grace jones got bummed by nick cave, so does anyone think it will come up with the jewels? and was episode 2 a degree of redemption compared to the 'toy-story' bollockings of the phantom menace?
1st was shit, 2nd was better, 3rd will be good i hope. thought the darkness of the story confronts a little bit with the un-seriousness of the genre and makers (hollywood shit), but at least this trilogy gets better not like the matrix turning into more crap.

BTW? did u played star wars as a child? We did often.. I even had a light sabre (toy)! :) only bad thing that those little fucker always chose me to play darth vader...
I had shitloads of SW-figures as a child and even a Tie-fighter! :D

too bad these two films haven't lived up to the expectations, tho the second one kinda made me wait for the third with positive thoughts how it's gonna turn out...

btw dora, I didn't think matrix reloaded was shit. I should see it again to make up my mind. Then again I wasn't expecting much I guess. Gotta wait for the last movie to really judge 'em, I guess..
i dont say it was shit. it was worse than the first one that is.. and the story turned into a direction from where i dont think they can get out well.. i dont want to find out in the 3rd one that it was just a bad joke.
reloaded was more commercial anyway, some parts of it were only video clips to show the technics, computers and tricks.. unnecessarily. Like fights. All figths had a reason in the first movie, they were important parts of the storyline. In this one they were just fun, or boring - for me - and too long.

how about LOTR? if we talk about trilogies.. its also getting better i think..
well, i am not much of a Star wars fan, though i have seen all films by now. Speaking of the last two ones, I'm with Crack and Dora, first one wasn't good, second was ok, still nothing outstanding for me.
About Matrix, well i don't think either it was a bad one, maybe yeah it was a strange one, and different to the first part of the trilogy. I mean more and more action scenes, as Dora said, and i agree, some unnecassary and way too long, but also a lot of philosophy and haevy talk in it. This makes a strange mixture. I bet it was kinda hard for many to follow the thoughts when it came to the end, either because imo the film was too long therefore.

Lord of the rings, well I'm a big fan of the book, and Crack and i had a good talk here about the movies before (with some others of course). Well, i really liked the first movie, especially the extended version!!! It was kinda simple (in comparison to the second part), and had not that much kitsch in it.
I still prefer the book, but i think that's quite normal, for i think it's not possible to cover the whole book.
The second one wasn't that bad either, though even regarding it as a movie and noit comparing it to the book, i there were scenes which were changed from the story in a kinda non- understandable way. Like when Frod and Sam were brought to Osgiliath, i still think it's a stupid scene and unnecessary. All in all it was still a good movie.
Well, i hope that there won't be too much changes in the Return of the King, though i doubt they will follow the guidline of the book, cause they started changing things, and now might not be able to stop that. Anyway, i'm thrilled about the new one and can't wait to see all three parts after each other.

even though it's fantasy :p
Well I guess I'm the only person in the world who has enjoyed all 5 films. I have completely seen how the story is arcing by re-watching 4,5,6. There are subtle hints throughout those 3 that will give you a small inside as to what will happen. Since I have seen these films so many times, yes i know how the story is going and where it will lead. So there shouldn't be too many surprises in Eps. III, except you just wanna see if its gonna be a really dark film. Who knows?! Everyone says that Empire was a really dark movie. I didn't see it as that, in fact I thought it was boring when I was kid. Now that I'm older I see the story for what it is, but I still don't think its super dark that people have told me it is.

I didn't think Phantom was all that bad that people made it out to be. I never understood why one of my old friends said he hated it, and would constantly ask to put it on again so he can watch it.

But that's what is so great about these films, other peoples preception. That's why i say if you are gonna start hyping it up now, you might be disappointed in the end if it doesn't live up to the expectations.

Most films today have gotten way too much hype behind it and people get so disappointed that it wasn't what they thought it was. Look at House of 1000 Corpses, The Matrix, etc.

Ok, that's my two cents!
It should be re-titled Sesame Wars because all the characters, in this universe must just live in one street! Why else would Lucas feel the need to bring evey character in to the story but as children! There is one degree of separation between each character.
Actually, the grouch would be a more convincing character then jar jar bollocks. I think Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return O' are great films but maybe lucas should have given the Directing to someone else, perhaps Bruce Robinson...yeah

any way