Yes, they still publish it although I don't see it very often. I still see the Judge Dredd specials and stuff everywhere though. I'm sure all the comic stores here stock it, regardless.
I still buy 2000AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine religiously, as I have since the age of 11.... yes I'm still reading comics at the age of 34. I have a collection going back to Prog 250 and up to the present issue, 1430. I just bought three storage stackers to hold them all a month ago.
On the Episode III topic, I haven't seen it yet but I'm looking forward to it. I'm expecting a dodgy script again but hopefully the visuals and darker nature of this one will make up for it somewhat.
The acting didn't get any better, and George Lucas still can't write dialogue.
oh and laughing and pulling ridiculous faces does not make an emperor BAD ASS... it just makes him BAD.
Can anyone explain to me why the Jedi Council wouldn't KNOW that Padme was pregnant with Anakin's children? Does she have some secret harem of males that we are unaware of who may have got her pregnant instead?? But noooo Obiwan "guesses" that the kids are Anakin's at the end of the pregnancy, no wonder he is a Jedi Master
The design and effects was quite nice, and i did like seeing the beginning of the transition in design towards what you see in the original movies. The other strong part for me was the absolute final scene when the original music kicked in, that was nice and carried some emotion, unlike the rest of the movie.
Agreed. I don't know how some of those scenes with the Emperor made it in. He's not a bad actor either, so it must be George Lucas' fault.
The main problems for me was the horrible acting, in parts mind you, and the overload of CGI. Other than that it was ok, easily the best in the trilogy.
Finally got around to seeing this a couple of days ago. Have been so damn busy lately with organising this trip, preparing for exams the week before I leave, and working. Grr.
I thought it was fantastic. I was a fan of AOTC, but this film was really, really good. I also agree with Gore, if you don't like this film, you don't like Star Wars. It was very much in the same vein as the original trilogy, but darker. The Empire Strikes Back is a popular favourite of the series, and it was previously the darkest film, so I think that is why a lot of fans are taking to ROTS, it has a somewhat similar vibe.
The acting was really great, and leagues above Episodes I and II (even though I wasn't all that bothered with the acting in those). You can now see why Christensen got the role. At times he even looks remarkably like Mark Hamill. He did a good job, but I think Ewan McGregor was fantastic. He played a young Alec Guinness VERY well.
I saw ROTS last weekend and it was pretty good all things considered. True, the script was still clunky and there were some cringeworthy moments, but it was a vast improvement over TPM and AOTC.
The opening space battle looked amazing, there was so much depth and detail it was hard to take it all in. One thing I hated though in all three prequels were the stupid battle droids, they looked and sounded pissweak! Even General Grievous looked spindly, I was expecting him to be much more fearsome.
I liked Palpatine's transition in appearance to become the Emperor from the original films during his duel with Mace Windu, I thought that was well done.
The final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin / Darth Vader was great, I was actually quite shocked how gruesome it was at the end.
Yeah me too, seeing Vader catch fire and have his skin melt off was more than I was expecting. I thought Obi-Wan would probably just chop the shit out of him in a sabre battle.
Everyone is talking about the cringeworthy scenes, particularly the lovey moments. I didn't think they were that bad, or that there was even that much of it. Oh well.
Now my second favourite of the entire series (nothing will touch Jedi for me) ... it was a bit slow to get going... but then BAM. When Palpatine first got into manipulating Anakin, that's when it really got me (at the theatre or whever the fuck they were)
The fall of the Jedi was handled PERFECTLY. I loved it so damn much... I held my breath for the entire time. And by far the best acting of the trilogy was done when Padme confronted Anakin... "YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART ANAKIN" that was unreal.
There were some cringeworthy moments... the stupid love scene "Love has blinded you then?" "No, that's not what I meant" BAH why was it there. And Darth's "NOOOOO!" could've been so much better. But everything else was so overwhelmingly awesome... Yoda fighting in this one wasn't stupidly funny like AOTC and it actually made you go FUCK YEAH YODA YOU KING.
Best line ever: "Not if to say anything about it, I HAVE!"
Loved it so much. Goddamn. I also went and watched A New Hope (just the first half) to see how the transition was. It feels a bit dated... but I think that's a good thing. Feels almost like a rebirth, as in the Jedi have to start all over again. And gee it's awesome to hear Obi-Wan saying stuff like "Me and your father were very good friends" and stuff like that. Even if you didn't like ep 1 and 2... their build up to 3 and into 4 just makes a lot of the stuff in the original trilogy so much awesome, because we now have seen what they were talking about.
It was definately better than the last two turds, but I'll refer you all back to Spiff's quote on that one. "Not if to say anything about it, I HAVE!" - Jesus H Christ in the sky, are you fucking kidding me?? The mini Dawsons Creek episode between Padme and Anakin was dreadful. The Frankenstein "He's alive!!" ending was a disgrace... I'm too tired to go on. However I did enjoy watching him get all his bits cut off and being burned alive, that was cool.