EQ suggestions for Portal

Gareth, they ARE actually that big and popular - within those types of circles of course.
This is why they are touring the states atm & playing that deathfest (is it Maryland?)

Last time they played here, they packed out the venue and there were a few people who flew in from Europe just to watch them.
Our ears are really only able to process one sound at a time at any given frequency range

This guy really knows his stuff guys. This explains why whenever the vocals come in, my brain is no longer able to process the guitars/drums and the song becomes acapella + bass.

I also liked his solution to fix the bass heavy mix, by turning the guitar bass knob to 10.
I'm going to liken Portal's production to someone taking a dump on your coffee table. Sure, they did it on purpose, and with artistic intent, but your coffee table's still covered in shit. And I know their music's all dark and mysterious and stuff, but does anyone else just find them utterly hilarious?


I saw them live seven years ago, when they looked like this and couldn't help but think, "The sorting hat is angry at me."
yeah i do find it funny but its a bunch of bands dressing up and playing weird horror movie music, there is a slight comedic element there.

and tahts a nasty sounding live video.
It's like all things artistic - it's all subjective and all in the ears and the eyes of the beholder. Personally it does nothing for me, it's just not sonically pleasing to my ears - but to each his own I guess. To "improve it" it would have to be something completely different in my ears/eyes, but then it would just be something else and not in the original artists intent. One mans trash is another mans treasure they say.
i got really stoned and listened to their first album last night just to spite metalsucks AND IT WAS GOOD
I have some good amp setting suggestions for Portal;

Take the volume, turn it to zero.

Problem solved.
portal is very very difficult to "get" and a lot of people won't, but saying it's not music is pretty retarded. i'm sure "obscura" and "from wisdom to hate" were difficult to get when they were released, as well. but 10 years later they're hailed as landmarks in the genre.
as will happen with portal
and no stuff generally sucks more when youre stoned, unless its quality music in which case its 10 times better \o/

and mucky stfu yesterday you were like HURRR I COULDNT LISTEN TO THIS UNLESS I WAS STONED and youve never even smoked weed