

Apr 11, 2007
:)I was wondering what pickups, guitars and amps amon amarth uses? I'd really like to know and i cant find much out on wikipedia
As far as guitars go, I know Olli uses an Gibson Explorer Goth all the time (I think). Johan uses an Explorer also most of the time and I think he plays a Les Paul on certain songs as well. I don't know what kind of bass guitar that Ted uses...but I'm sure someone here does. I'm pretty sure that they use Hughes and Kettner amps. Hope this helps. Not sure about pickups..
Actually, they just signed a deal with Krank Amps, but I don't know who's using what. Just happened to catch that one on the site.

yeah lol, its kind of hard to miss it. i guess they had to mention it on the site, kind of like a sponsor thingy... oh well, buisness is business (however you spell that, too lazy to check it out).