Escadron Studio Report


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
And here is my band with a dumb studio report :D
Also featurs seizure of this board :D !!
(who is doing the recording)
( me )


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haha... MORE!!

These are really funny...

thank you bobby !!

Here is my video in stereo sound (myspace)
Vocals is still progressing, already 2 days :S

anyway on some parts there is a mp3 under the video part, so that's the reason you can hear some stuf good and some don't.

THe guitar sound is the podxt but hold on !!

it's Guitar->D.I-> Podxt and D.i dry channel.

We are going to let the album mixed at split second sound (textures) and there will the guitars be reamped. re-amp
( me )


I was sitting in on a band that a buddy of mine is in during their studio session. It was vocal time and took a considerable effort to convince the singer that cupping the mic was a baddddd idea.

Used a condenser after that and everything was peachy.

Cupping is the way he is holding the mic. With his hands around the sides. It does some weird stuff to the microphone, none of it good.
J.Davis - I never realized a condenser mic could be so forgiving... curious now to try this out

Been waiting to hear some stuff from Escadron for a while now. I've got one of the instrumentals from a while back on my mp3 player and jam that mama jama in the car like nobodies business
Kickass music as far as i could hear btw Mendel and other dudes!! Can't wait to get the final tracks and listen to them... i can remember Mendel just starting out with recording just about 2 years ago or so, and now... look at him, making his own record with his own band.

snif... ma boy is getting older now. :p
Kickass music as far as i could hear btw Mendel and other dudes!! Can't wait to get the final tracks and listen to them... i can remember Mendel just starting out with recording just about 2 years ago or so, and now... look at him, making his own record with his own band.

snif... ma boy is getting older now. :p

fact: if i didnt know u bob iwouldnt be here. u thaught me so much damn. thx for all dude
Yeah, normally i ask most guys to NOT cup the mic every damn minute, but he's holding it kinda strange, i don't get the normal smothered cupped sound for some reason this time, and aslong as he's happy this way and i'm happy with it.. what gives? haha

I'm sorry for the frisian/german accent mendel haha, i most say it sounds horrible on video ghehe.

Wish i made you better premixes though ghehe, didn't know your were gonna put those under this!

Drums are all no samples btw! WOOHOO!!
but how can it effect the sound? unearth did it the sameway on iii right?

I think it changes the pattern to omni and does some weird things with the EQ, and makes the words much harder to understand. A lot of vocalist think it makes them sound better for some reason. I had a guy in who thought he couldn't growl without doing it, I had him try it into a condenser and he goes "oh wow! I guess I don't have to do that", :lol:

Anyway, check out this thread.

Unearth may have done it some. That album was recorded by Terry Date right? Terry is the man, and one thing he chooses to do often is let singers go nuts with a 58 and the speakers cranked to make them more comfortable. I think he does this to get a better performance out of the singer. Essentially at the cost of some sound quality. And in the end, the performance IS more important. But I think if you can get the same quality out of the singer without using a 58, don't. :D Obviously a really great vocalist won't need a specific mic to sound good.

Obviously, you can do it, there are no rules, but it's going to sound a lot more "live", if that's what you're going for, it can be cool. But under most circumstances it's just going to cause problems, at least in my experience.