ESP Porn

My family. The Donais ESP is by far my favourite to play - beautiful. I actually much prefer it to the RR1.

My only remaining ESP, my favourite, custom shop Reindeer, nice thick mahogany body/neck, ridiculous inch thick maple cap on it, installed a BKP nailbomb in the bridge and a SD lil '59 in the neck, also wired in a coil split so I can pretty much get any tone I want out of this thing.




I have previously owned a couple of LTD's, baritone viper and an eclipse, and a bunch of ESP SS's, SV, Eclipse, etc. Also had an Edwards explorer which was quite rad.

Need to buy more ESP's haha.

*Edit, somehow forgot my bass haha



Question regarding esp/ltd logos, noticed you get 3 different types, the block logo, the lower case (as seen on above bass) and also the odd one that looks quite scribbly...
Is there any reason for the difference?? Time/location of production etc??