Especially Likely Sloth - But If What He’ll What Ant


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Especially Likely Sloth - But If What He’ll What Ant
Vendlus Records – VEND001 – October 12th 2003
By Russell Garwood


Imagine for a moment, if you will, a hampster on a cocktail of methamphetamine, benzphetamine, phentermine, fenfluramine, mazindol, ketamine, phendimetrazine, crack cocaine, methcathinone and methylphenidate. Add to the equation a Nintendo, several Casio keyboards and an (un)healthy dose of Helium. Take away any sanity that may have prevailed, record the result and then play back at double-speed. Got that?

Well, you’re still nowhere near Especially Likely Sloth, yet that is the best I can do to describe the band’s sound. A project of Jason William Walton (Agalloch, Sculptured), the truly deranged electronica on display in But If What He’ll What Ant, in my experience, has one of two effects on listeners. The first, which I fall victim to, is to sit, grin manically, and start doing everything at twice the speed while trying to squeak along. The friends I played it to, however, threatened to scratch off their ears if I didn’t turn it off, calling it disturbing, scary and generally too weird. As such this release is very much an acquired taste. The music revolves around insanely catchy melodies played on game-console sounding keyboards, with an abundance of Simpsons samples and extremely high pitched vocals. Some more organic strings fit surprisingly well, as do their disharmonies. Occasional calypso-sounding sections help create an even more mind expanding listen, and tinny drums complete the experience.

Crystal clear production makes every bizarre note and nuance of the music unavoidable (for those still naively attempting to cling to their sanity by trying not to listen). But If What He’ll What Ant comes highly recommended to fans of truly off-kilter music, but is perhaps one to avoid for less adventurous listeners. Oh, and it’s also more addictive - I would imagine - than methamphetamine, benzphetamine, phentermine, fenfluramine, mazindol, ketamine, phendimetrazine, crack cocaine, methcathinone and methylphenidate put together. You have been warned!

Official Especially Likely Sloth Website
Official Vendlus Records Website
I can't tell if I like or not either, but once I put it on I can't stop listening to it!! o_O