What to pick?

yeah but what I meant was - fuck the money, even if I can't afford to buy stuff I would like to have, I won't treat money as a life or death thing...
OT but recently I saw some people who could rip out your eyes when it was about money. Really, I mean - they were acting like a starving man in search for food. fuck that, I won't do that

besides, if I don't like ELS I'll sell it (maybe) :D
all right :)
plus I pay 30$ for these 4 albums so I'll consider it 10$ for Isole, Mar De Grises and Skepticism each and an extra free ELS :D
you can always buy that morgion from me, i've had it for sale/trade for some time. :)

especially likely sloth is an album i thought i'd listen to once, maybe twice, then chuck it as a novelty, but no. once you get past the goofiness of it, there really are some incredible arrangements to be found. and one time i listened to it stoned and it almost killed me. :hypno: