Especially Likely Sloth's new CD is too progressive for the human ear and CD players


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
"The Unlistenable Series Part 1 - Paper: I Reek of Butter".

My hi-fi stereo CD player does not accept its media format. (I'm not sure if any CD player will read data from a lined stationary paper cut out). Even if it did, I don't think I have the capacity to understand the genius contained herewith...


1. Chips, Hogfuel and Logs
2. Let's see if we can beat the train
3. Let's also rub our weiners together while we are trying to beat the train
4. Raise the roof for hotdogs
5. The Scott Candey Growth Hormone
6. By Especially Likely Stove

Jason Walton - if you are reading, please help me. I am but an anemone in your presence.
!!!! When did this come out?

hahahahahaha "lined stationary paper cut out" this HAS to be the work of genius.
Yes, it's from yellow stationary too, much like the notepads on the left here...


Probably from Staples no doubt....what a mastermind.
JWW, if you are reading this thread, I love you. Full on gay, without the destruction of the sanctity of marriage. At all. A lot. Medium sized porno slab of Cheeze Whiz. Donut Haven. Funzo.


Now of course, as we all understand, all Audio Savant releases go straight to NAD. These two bass players exist on the same plane of cosmic resonance.

Along with the paper promo for the new Especially Likely Sloth (surely a collectors item if there ever was one), Mr. Inch Man will also be getting "Hidden Bone and Hidden Gristle" by Jam Handy.

I'll also throw in some stickers: "awkward & uncomfortable music", "Conversations about the Light, Memories out of Context", and of course, the very apt "Enjoying Music is a sign of Mental Deficiency".

And just for the hell of it, you can have another "Hail Roy! Hail Sventkta! Hail Sloth" sticker too. :)
Any label capable of scaring the neighbors and their unborn children's children gets the big :) from me.

After careful deconstruction, I actually get this release. It's a devastatingly funny satire of kvlt black metallers who hoard bands who press a miniscule amount of releases, often in a format that itself limits listenability, desire to stay as obscure as possible, then never actually listen to whatever music is contained therein and sell them on Egay to other kvltists for absurdly inflated sums thereby defeating the purpose of remaining willfully sub-sub-underground. The concept is some of the best musical satire since Zappa outraged everybody who didn't get his worldview in countless ways. Seriously.

That looks good on paper (haha), doesn't it?
JayKeeley said:
Yes, it's from yellow stationary too, much like the notepads on the left here...


Probably from Staples no doubt....what a mastermind.
!!! I've used Staples legal pads for so many years at work! Any others I've tried suck ass!
