Essential Black Metal/BM that would fit my tastes


Señor Member
Mar 14, 2009
New York City
I'm already a fan of a few Black Metal bands, but I'd like to really get into the genre. I listen to Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, Chthonic, and Vreid. So, I'd like to know what Black Metal albums and bands are the ones every Black Metal fan "must listen to". I want to know which ones are groundbreaking or just a classic in some way.
Also, I'd like some Black Metal that would go well with other Metal I listen to. I'm looking for some kind of Black Metal that's very Thrashy, Progressive, and could include keyboards. BTW I'm heavily into Melodic Death Metal, so Melodic bands are a plus.

"Essential" eh?

Do you have "Into The Nightside Eclipse" by Emperor?

Nope, I have yet to listen to that.
Like I said, those 4 Black Metal bands are the only one's I listen to. I also heard that 2 albums, one with Transylvania in the name and the other that was something like "Der Mysteries Som Satan", are classics in the genre.
If you're into melodic stuff, check out the German scene. Nagelfar, Farsot, Nocte Obducta, Dornenreich, and Klabautamann should all be enjpyable listens for you.

For more essential bands, check out:
Weakling (arguable)
Master's Hammer

Oh, and it's illegal in 27 countries to listen to Vreid without having heard Windir. On a related note, check out Dawn and Sacramentum.
If you're into melodic stuff, check out the German scene. Nagelfar, Farsot, Nocte Obducta, Dornenreich, and Klabautamann should all be enjpyable listens for you.

For more essential bands, check out:
Weakling (arguable)
Master's Hammer

Oh, and it's illegal in 27 countries to listen to Vreid without having heard Windir. On a related note, check out Dawn and Sacramentum.

Thanks. I think I'll start with Darkthrone since I read that they mix Black Metal with Crust Punk. That means it's potentially Thrashy, and that's one of the elements I'm looking for.

Is Bathory any good?

@krampus: I've tried Behemoth before. Nothing really stood out to me. But, I did like the song "Chant For Ezkaton".
Bathory is GREAT. GREAT GREAT GREAT. I'm not sure how much you value "epic" or "escapist forest wizardry" in your metal, but if either of those things are interesting, definitely do Bathory.
Bathory is GREAT. GREAT GREAT GREAT. I'm not sure how much you value "epic" or "escapist forest wizardry" in your metal, but if either of those things are interesting, definitely do Bathory.

Damn, Krampus, you have excellent taste in music. :cool:
I found both Ulver - Bergtatt and Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark particularly accessible starting out and I still love both.
Damn, Krampus, you have excellent taste in music. :cool:

Haha you just like that I wrote about liking Korn in the other thread! :p

+1 for Ulver and they are definitely an "important" band.

Trying to think of what else the OP might like...I would definitely recommend Weakling out of personal affection for them, but if 20 minute long songs aren't your thing, perhaps pass.

You might like Anaal Nathrakh, they are recent and one of the most aggressive bands I've heard (I'm sure this is debatable), with elements of other subgenres as well.
How has no one mentioned Dissection? It's essential, and he said he liked melodic death metal. Storm of the Light's Bane rules. Also, Reinkaos is awesome melodic death metal.

Also, no one mentioned Rotting Christ yet.
I've come to the conclusion that I'll start out with Marduk, Dissection, and Bathory because they're closer to the Metal I usually listen to. Then, I'll move into raw Black Metal and the German scene.
Here's some more for you to check out.

Cor Scorpii
Abigail Williams
Dark Fortress
Anorexia Nervosa