Absolutely Essential Metal Albums

this isn't a 'shit you've surely heard before' list, it's a 'shit you fuckin should hear' list.

anything else in my collection I could never have heard and have really missed nothing.

I really want to know why you think Metal listeners really have to hear Hammerfall and Bloodbath and how they're essential.
Hammerfall and Bloodbath are the pinnacle of generic and unoriginal within their respective genres, so to even make the assertion that either could be deemed "absolutely essential" "must hear" bands can really only be received as an attempt at mockery.
Hammerfall and Bloodbath are the pinnacle of generic and unoriginal within their respective genres, so to even make the assertion that either could be deemed "absolutely essential" "must hear" bands can really only be received as an attempt at mockery.

Bloodbath are a side project intended mostly for the nostalgia value, so I don't know if calling them "unoriginal" is even really an insult (although their "essential" status is... debatable).
I wasn't insulting them, in fact, I enjoy some of their material. But they're not even remotely essential by any stretch of the imagination.