Europe vs the US

Hen Act

...Dropping En
Feb 26, 2004
N. Reading, MA
This probably deserves its own thread:

I just spent a week in London and I have to say that the folks on this forum that are saying Europe is soooo different towards prog are totally correct. This, of course is old news to most, but just for shits and giggles, I checked out the music scene; retail, live, and otherwise. We should be (and most are) embarrassed (emphasis on the -assed) in the states. A group like Enchant most likely WOULD NOT have day jobs in Europe, so don't be too harsh about them touring or not touring in certain areas. Dollars, Pounds, and Euros are quite unforgiving. But just before you all pack up and move to London-->

There is some SERIOUSLY GOD AWFUL SHIT POP produced over there. Don't EVER check out BBC after a night at the pubs! I guess the truth is that Europe supports all types of music, and to get the truly Sublime and Enchant-ed, you have to deal with every New Kid on the Block.
I listen to VERY few american bands....most of them suck.

These are just a few of the bands I listen to:

Harem Scarem
House of Shakira
Emerald Rain
Lana Lane
Balance of Power(Lance King era)
Pretty Maids
Fair Warning
Missa Mercuria
StocktontoMalone said:
I listen to VERY few american bands....most of them suck.

These are just a few of the bands I listen to:

Harem Scarem
House of Shakira
Emerald Rain
Lana Lane
Balance of Power(Lance King era)
Pretty Maids
Fair Warning
Missa Mercuria

That is one wild list, but there are some pretty conspicuous omissions like:

Enchant (maybe an oversight)
Spock's Beard
Aquarium Rescue Unit
Porcupine Tree
Journey (just the first 2 albums, no hate mail please)

oh shit, sorry, those are the bands HENACT listens to.
Hey there,

Sorry, but I have to make a few corrections here. Europe is not all that great after all. The grass is always greener on the other side, but the truth is that most musicians here are almost starving, at least where I live. I don't know about England, it's probably a lot better there, or maybe in the Netherlands. But the rest of Europe isn't better off than America. Guess why I (being a musician myself) have considered moving to America for the past few years. Prog music isn't appreciated here at all. On the contrary, everybody listens to techno, rave, hip hop and all that crap. So you guys should be glad to live on either US coast, I am pretty sure there's a much bigger scene happening over there. As for touring plans... no clue why bands tend to tour Europe more often. I really think that the US has an audience that appreciates real music a lot more.

As far as the original topic of this thread is concerned: "America VS Europe"... I don't like it. Sounds like a show fight, or should I say WAR... I guess we had enough hostility all over the planet already. Let's not use music to start another fight.

EnchantWeb said:
Hey there,

Guess why I (being a musician myself) have considered moving to America for the past few years.

Let's not use music to start another fight.

Yes, you should move here, WEST Coast, Wolf. Look how well we treat our Enchant! :worship:

And yes, music, above all else should bring us together.:headbang:

Via non-violent blind-to-borders yet preferring the left coast dragon
US better than Europe for music?!?!?! Crack is bad man, Crack is bad...

Does the US ever have Metalfests? Nope. (not including ozzfest cause up until THIS year it was all fake-nu-metal acts for the most part) Europe has them almost every month! I hate to say it, but Europe is were metal was born, and were it lives STRONGLY today. You wont find that out here in the US were for the most part people think metal is all evil.
Journey (just the first 2 albums, no hate mail please)

Hey, those early Journey albums had some awesome music on them, I'd go so far as to the first four were great (One Journey album with Steve Perry was enough, but there is still some blistering material on Infinity). So you are not alone, hell, I had all those early albums on 8 tracks!
Just a couple of responses:

I'm off to Spain today, so I don't have much time but, this was definitely NOT a war thread, just an observation. And I agree with, the grass is always greener...(hence my shit ass pop reference), but I think that Europe has always supported prog more than the states, just ask all the bands that have toured there and can't sell out a wedding here (I saw Marillion on the Season's End Tour in Northampton MA, and h said, due to the lack of attendees at the gig, "I didn't know we played weddings").

I'd probably see the $20 on Europe bid and raise you $10.

I can't go with the 3rd Journey album (or 8 track as it were), never warmed up to that one, but I do dig alot of the Perry era--just didn't wan't to admit it in public.

Anybody but me heard Aquarium Rescue Unit???

Anybody know any good Spanish prog bands (you have 10 mintutes to respond, I'm off to the airport...)

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