European Release Rescheduled!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The European release of "Magic Never Dies" has been re-scheduled for July 4th, to maximise promotion in advance of the album and to add some additional DVD features and goodies! Sorry for any disappointment!

On the upside though......

There will be a "release party" for the album on July 2nd in London (venue TBC). This will be for industry, fan club members and guests only. Fan Club members who want to attend should register their interest via the PQFC president.

We are also further down the line with the planning of live shows.....hope to be able to bring you the first confirmed dates very soon!
That has to be the best news EVER, not a disappointment at all! Extra DVD features?? I'm There!

Not only is 4th july my end of year ball, (at which I will thrust my music into the hand of the DJ, Power Quest for everyone!) but this means that the release party is BEFORE I leave for my month long trip trecking in vietnam! I'm so going to take MND on my ipod!
That just ... sucks ... :cry:

I was looking forward to get the album and transfer it to my iPod before June 12:th, which is when I go to Paris, but I guess shit happens. I know the album's gonna be worth the wait tho. :loco:
Yeah, it'll be well worth the wait and the extra DVD features will be more than welcome.

It's not the worst news as I'm hoping to have the Japanese release once it's out there. It's on order so I've got one put back for me. :D

Release party sounds pretty damn good as well
From Majestic Rock


Power Quest have delayed the release of their highly anticipated third album `Magic Never Dies` so that work can continue on the DVD portion of the limited edition release.

The decision to put the album`s release date back was not an easy one to make, but both band and label feel it`s the right thing to do in order to ensure the very best product possible for the band`s fans.

`Magic Never Dies` will now be released in a limited edition two disc digi pack set on July 4th.
While on the subject of "limited edition digipack" - what exactly does this mean? Only a certain number to be made, or only a certain length of time that it will be available for. Also, (forgive me for sounding like a newbie ;p) but what exactly is a digipack? Is it similar to a CD, or is it unique to some features like a card folding box or something. Or does it mean it comes with a DVD full of extras. At any rate, you can see I've worked myself into a muddle over this one; any help would be greatly appreciated!
The digi-pack will feature a slip case and a non-jewel case package...I'm led to believe that it'll be "folding" in some shape or form....haven't seen it yet. It will be limited numbers and it will also house the 2nd disc (DVD). Hope that helps a bit mate
Cheers for clearing that up for me Steve. <D:) ... Dunce cap... or something!

What sort of area/venue are you looking for in London for this release party?